Chp 12 - Bondita's discomfort & Anirudh's worry

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Anirudh and Bondita reached Calcutta. As they came out of the Railway station, Bondita observed the city in astonishment. She sees that the roads, infrastructure of the city is advanced, there was many more Britishers and the place was lot more crowded and busier than Tulsipur. Anirudh explains " Bondita, do you know that this place is the financial capital of our country currently? There is significant increase of trade between India and England in this place and that's why you would find many people residing here for Job opportunities. You will find lot of better facilities here. You can actually say that even my career grew to a large scale after coming here as I got so many more cases to fight for."

Bondita listens to him carefully and then sees something in astonishment, but refrains herself from asking him. However Anirudh knew his Bondita well, he could read her the question running in her mind and quickly answers pointing to the direction she was seeing " Bondita, , what you see is called a 'Tram'. It is invented by the British. It looks similar to a train but runs on road. It is a very useful locomotive." He smiles and then holds her hand saying " Come, let me take you to our new home in the Tram."

They soon board the Tram. The seat was small, hence Anirudh and Bondita had to adjust a little and sit close to each other. Anirudh sat on the left side of Bondita with the luggage kept beneath his legs. Due to space constraints, Bondita's left hand was on Anirudh's lap and Anirudh's right hand was on her shoulder. While Bondita was busy observing the streets of Calcutta, Anirudh's eyes fell on her hand which was on his lap. Her white toned hand was complementing the Shaka bola and a small gold bangle. He brought his other hand on hers and felt her hand to be so soft and smooth just like cotton. He smiled at the soft feeling and involuntarily started playing with her bangles. He was moving them up and down slightly with his thumb. Feeling a tickling sensation, Bondita turned her head towards her hand to realise what Anirudh was doing. She turned towards Anirudh and observed his facial features. It was the first time they were this close in proximity, especially after she grew up. Although he was much elder by age, she found him extremely handsome and charming. Unable to take her eyes off him, she continued looking at him, while Anirudh was lost in her bangles. Both of them were lost in each other till the Tram stopped at the destination bringing Anirudh out of his trance. As he realised what he was doing, he turned towards Bondita to find her staring at him. The moment his eyes caught hers, she turned away in the opposite direction feeling embarrassed being caught. Anirudh questioned himself in his mind" What just happened? Was Bondita starring at me? Her eyes held so much love which I never saw before. And what was I doing?  I was actually playing with her bangles involuntarily? Was I lost in the softness of her hand beneath her bangles? How didn't I realise that she was seeing me?" Sighing, he broke the silence between them saying " Bondita, we have reached, let's get down."

Soon they reached the colony where Anirudh was living. It was an Aristocratic Elite class colony with many beautiful houses beside each other. As they entered the colony, Bondita observed that there were so many people in the neighbourhood who came to greet and welcome Anirudh on his arrival. Indeed he had become the most famous Barrister babu of Bengal. Anirudh introduced Bondita as his wife to everyone in the colony while they helped him carry the luggage till the door step of the house. Bondita was happy at Anirudh's success, but something was bothering her. Her face became pale all of a sudden which didn't go unnoticed by Anirudh. Anirudh's house was a big one exactly at the center of the colony. It was very well ventilated and spacious one. Anirudh and Bondita were surrounded by the neighbours to welcome them. As Anirudh Bondita stood at the doorstep of the house , Anirudh says " Wait Bondita, let me do your 'Gruhapravesh'. Let me go bring the aarati plate and then only you can enter." While Anirudh was moving inside to get the aarati plate, Bondita stopped him holding his hand and whispered in his ears in a serious tone " Stop Patibabu, why are you doing all this drama when all of them are around. Please stop all this. Let's just get inside as soon as possible." Anirudh was shocked listening to the word 'Drama' from her and before he could say anything, she just pulled him inside, gave a fake smile to all the neighbours , thanked them by bowing down and closed the door. Anirudh questioned her seriously in confusion" What is this Bondita? Why didn't you allow me to do your Gruhapravesh? And why did you say I'm doing a 'drama'?" Bondita thought in her mind " It seems like a drama to me, I don't know why Patibabu is giving me so much attention, while he clearly has chosen someone else to move on. Would anyone do so much for a responsibility?" She gets out of her thoughts and answers him " I don't think all this Gruhapravesh is necessary. I'm not your newly wedded wife that you need to do a Gruhapravesh especially not when people around are watching."

Barristerbabu: Bondita's denial to fulfill "their" dreamWhere stories live. Discover now