Chp 18 - Clearing the roadblocks of their relationship

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Bondita's words shocked Anirudh. He thought " Batuk, are you trying to impress Bondita or divert her from education?"

Anirudh took her palm in his and spoke in a soft tone " No Bondita, you are mistaken. It is not that I don't value other things. I do understand that other activities too are equally important and appreciate everything you do.  You are right, probably I had taken it for granted that doing household chores and other activities are common for woman and didn't pay much attention to help you in those matters. I only concentrated on making you do extra ordinary things which other woman don't do. I never verbally conveyed to you of how well you can do anything given to you." He cupped her cheeks with his palms and continued with a smile" Sorry Bondita for ignoring such common but important things. And 'Shabhaash Bondita' for everything that you do. " Bondita frowned, Anirudh too frowned and asked " What happened ?  You told me that you like this gift. Now that I have given it to you, why are you not happy?" Bondita complained like a child " That is because you have oiled even my cheeks with your oily palms." 

Anirudh exclaimed " Oops sorry Bondita , I didn't realise that. Don't worry I will wipe it for you." Anirudh took out his handkerchief and brought it to Bondita's cheeks to wipe the oil. As he was wiping off the oil softly he spoke " But Bondita, you have an equal amount of potential to do other things like Barristry as well. There is nothing like a Woman's domain or a Man's Domain. I believe that any gender can do any work irrespective of the domain. It is just that over the years, all the work has been distributed in such a manner that woman do only Household chores and men earn for the family. But it doesn't mean that woman's domain is confined only to household chores. And especially you Bondita, are so talented and intelligent that you can become the best barrister with the questioning (tarks) ability you have. You yourself don't know the caliber you hold." 

Bondita got up from her seat and spoke little louder " But what is the point? Why do I need to become a Barrister? Is it not enough for you that I remain how I'm? Do you feel ashamed to stand beside me if I don't become a Barrister? Only if I become a barrister, I'm worth to be called your wife? Sorry , I'm very sorry as such I'm not worth to be called your wife. Let me correct my statement. Only if I become a barrister, I'm worth to be called your  responsibility (zimmedari)?"

Anirudh pulled her softy bringing her close to him in anger and spoke in a cracking voice with tears " Bonditaaa, I never meant that. I just want you to become a Barrister because you are capable of. You are the candle which can illuminate the whole world full of darkness. You don't recognize the immense potential you have. It's not that I'm currently ashamed of you or I will respect you only if you become a Barrister. You are always special to me and you will always be, no matter how ever you are. Even if you don't become any Khushal grihini, barrister whatever, you will still hold the same place in my life. And please stop calling yourself a responsibility over again. I understand that in the past , in the fit of anger , I have called you as just my responsibility but ask yourself honestly Bondita, do you really think that I treated you only as a mere responsibility? Whenever I did anything for you it was wholeheartedly. Was there any kind of annoyance or unhappiness seen on my face when I did anything for you? Hmmm answer me?"

Bondita too had tears in her eyes and answered in a soft tone putting her head down " I agree you never had unhappiness on your face when you did anything for me but it doesn't mean you wanted me. If you really wanted me to stay in your life, you wouldn't have brought the  child marriage abolition law. Besides you know very well how to mask your sadness. During the initial days of our marriage, you had so much pain in your heart when you had the love of your life Pari didi (saudamini) in front of you, however you were still showing me smiling faces. That's the tremendous will power you have to choose responsibility over love.

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