Chp 9 - Anidita's Immense hidden Love for each other

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A very long but an Important chapter.  Hope you like it. Note - Phrases in Uppercase, indicate that the dialogue was spoken in a loud voice.

Anirudh's eyes becomes moist after listening to her. She continues with tears in her eyes " You are totally free to marry anyone of your choice." She walks pass him when he holds her hand, both of them facing opposite to each other, their back facing each other with her hand in his, Anirudh asks " How did you think , that I would marry someone Bondita?" She replies with tears " Why should you not? You too didn't get the chance to chose your life partner like other men. I cannot go back and change the past , but can stop myself being a hindrance for you. I know your morals, would not allow you to go for a second marriage, but you don't have to stop yourself. I will move away such that you would not even remember that I existed in your life". 

On hearing the last line, Anirudh's grip on her hand loosened. Bondita thought in her mind " In the flow of this conversation, should I tell patibabu that I don't want to study further? He would definitely ask for the reason, how to tell him about my reasons? Let me try."  She turns around towards Anirudh saying " Patibabu, I also wanted to say that...." she stops midway when she sees Anirudh sweating profusely , his face fully pale and gasping for breath. "Patibabuuu, what happened to you?" She screams in anxiety. She holds him and observes that his hands are extremely cold. She gets very worried and makes him sit on the sofa. She very lovingly and caringly wipes his sweat with her saree Pallu. Meanwhile Anirudh just looks on expressionlessly. Bondita worriedly asks, rubbing his palms" What happened to you suddenly? Are you fine? Let me bring you some water". She rushes to bring some water and makes him drink it. She rubs his palms and back to make him feel better. 

After a few minutes, Anirudh speaks in a low voice " I'm better Bondita." Bondita gets very worried and asks " Are you really fine? What happened to you suddenly? Wait let me call Somnath dada. He will treat you." She tries to move out to call him when Anirudh holds her saying " Not required Bondita , I'm fine now. I will just sit here for a while, I will be much better." Bondita replies" I think you are too stressed about your cases. Please take it easy, focus on your health. You need some rest. Come I will take you to the room." Anirudh replies by placing his palm on her cheek, " No Bondita, I will stay here , I'm fine.. I just want to be alone for sometime." Bondita replies " Ok fine, but please rest here, don't work again. Just relax your mind." He just nods and she leaves the room.

Anirudh lies on the sofa thinking for a few hours. Bihari just keeps the dinner on Anirudh's table as he has told the family members not to disturb him. 

At around late night, when all the members of the family have retired to their respective rooms, Anirudh goes towards the Telephone in his Study. He makes a phone call and has the following conversation:

Anirudh: "Hello Saurabh, This is Anirudh here. "

Saurabh: "Anirudh Babu, Is everything  fine? You have called at this hour?"

Anirudh: "I'm sorry Saurabh, I know it is too late, but your friend needs you. Please can you come home for a while. I really need you brother."

Saurabh: "Common Anirudh Babu, what is there to say sorry. I can do anything for you. I will be there in a few minutes."

Anirudh: "Thanks brother. I'll be waiting." 

Saurabh comes to Anirudh's home. Anirudh greets him and calls him to his study. Saurabh sees Anirudh's pale face and asks "What's the matter Anirudh babu, you look so dull and worried?"

Anirudh replies " Sorry Saurabh, I called you at this hour but I really want some help. Please tell honestly without hiding a single thing from me all that has happened over these years in my absence ."

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