Chp 33 - The Climax

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 Trilochan replied, " I have decided, day after tomorrow is an auspicious day and we will perform a grand wedding of Barrister Anirudh Roy Chaudhary and Barrister Bondita Anirudh Roy Chaudhary." While Trilochan finished, all of them heard a loud voice, " WHAT????". They turned around to see Binoy and Somnath at the door step with horrifying faces. Trilochan spoke with Joy, "Binoy, you came at the right time. We were just celebrating the success of Bahu wining her case against Robert. Then I thought why not get Anirudh and Bahu remarried. Anyway none of us could enjoy their wedding. Good idea isn't it Binoy?" Binoy screamed, " Good idea? Seriously Da? What is happening here? Have you all lost your minds? You all are rejoicing for going to be destroyed? Don't you know the dangers we can face by going against the British. Today Bondita has won a case against British and invoked the beast in all English men. They are not going to spare us now. We are going to be doomed and here you all are enjoying?" Anirudh replied, "Baba, don't worry nothing will happen.." He was interrupted by Binoy saying, " I'm not talking to you Anirudh." He looked towards Trilochan and continued, " I'm sorry Da but from Day one, I never liked that girl Bondita who constantly supports Anirudh in such dangerous revolutionary works. Bondita herself has become his revolutionary torch. I as a father always wanted my son to live a lavish life with all comfort but look today the situation is such that he always has to face challenges due to these revolutionary acts. Also, now with Bondita wining the case, do you think Anirudh will be safe? The Britishers will not take revenge against him? Every min I need to worry If my son is safe or not? Tell me as a father Am I wrong?" Somanth continued, " Yes I too agree with Baba. Bondita Boudi should have influenced Dada to stop these revolutionary activities. Instead she became the reason why my Dada became more fitoori. And his life is always in danger."

Anirudh replied," Baba, Som, Bondita has actually not risked my life but saved my honour and reputation. Perhaps you don't know what happened with us in Bikaner. Richard had made me bend down and surrender to him. I was helpless that time. Bondita today has got me and all the woman justice. What wrong did she do? And why are you supporting and fearing the British. Baba I know you always maintain good relationships with them so that they don't bring trouble to us but Baba at the end of the day , they are ruling us. This is our country. We should be independent not their slaves. Why do we need to fear and live their lives their way in our own country? We should live with all authority and freedom in our country. They have invaded us not the vice versa. We need to fight back  and make them leave our country for good. By fearing them, we are indirectly asking them to dominate us and rule over thus accepting slavery. Don't you think so Baba?" Anirudh's words got Binoy and Somnath thinking. 

Trilochan said, " Binoy for a father, the greatest joy is when he outgrows his own father. Today , your son has outgrown you. He is absolutely right. For once, lets think in his way and see. We are all from one country. We need to unite and fight the British and not accept their slavery directly or indirectly. Your son has the courage which you and me don't have. Without anyone's support he has the ability to fight against the British , against all odds he was able to make Bondita the first female barrister of our nation. He is so successful today. Imagine, if we were supportive, he would have perhaps reached greater heights than this. Recognise his caliber. Be his strength. Be proud of him because he thinks different, that's why he is different. That is why he is Anirudh Roy Chaudhary." 

Binoy had tears in his eyes. He immediately hugged Anirudh realising what his son is. Somnath too joined the hug saying, " I'm sorry Dada." Anirudh tapped his back indicating his forgiveness. Trilochan spoke, " Won't you include me in the hug?" Trilochan too hugged them. Batuk spoke up, " Hey what about me? " Anirudh replied, "Come on chote Zamindar., Join the hug." Batuk too joined.  Bondita came out from the room with camera in her hand and captured the best memory with Trilochan, Binoy and the three brothers. Soon all the villagers left and Anirudh was about to meet Bondita when Trilochan stopped him, " Wait wait. You cannot meet Bahu till your wedding." Anirudh frowned , while Som spoke in Anirudh's ears, " Dada, this is the best phase where you want to meet but you cannot so you secretly meet your love. Enjoy this phase dada. You and Boudi have not got these moments before marriage, so please cherish every moment." 

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