Chp 13 - Misunderstandings amidst their Love

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Anirudh gets shocked. He asked with tears in his eyes and cracking voice, holding her waist " Only one friend Batuk? Am I not your friend Bondita? " Bondita cried bitterly on his shoulder and replied, " You are my Rakshak babu." Anirudh asked " Am' I only your Rakshak Babu? Not your Sakha Babu?" Bondita moved a step back releasing herself from his grip and answered wiping her tears " When you don't treat me as your Sakhi, How do you expect me to treat you as my Sakha Babu?" Anirudh frowned in astonishment and asked " When didn't I not treat you as my Sakhi  Bondita? You were and are always by dearest Sakhi." Bondita argued back asking " If that is the case, then you should have shared everything with me. Your happiness, sadness, worries etc should have been shared with me , but you never did that nor are you sharing those with me now. You hide everything from me and say that I'm your dearest Sakhi. On what basis are you saying that I'm your dearest Sakhi?"

Anirudh got annoyed and pulled her arm closer so that they were facing each other with only a little distance between them. He replied in an annoyed tone " What did you say? I'm hiding from you? What did you hide from you? I have always been transparent with you Bondita. Never did I hide anything. From the time you have come into my life, I have made you a part of my happiness, sadness, my revolution, my dreams, everything. How can you say that I didn't or I'm not sharing anything with you? "

Bondita spontaneously reacted replying " Oh really? You never told me of your difficulties. You never told me about the turmoil's you have in your mind due to me. You never told me about the sacrifices you made for me. Back then I was a kid I was not able to understand, but now atleast you can tell me, but you don't. You silently suppress all your feelings and go on sacrificing without my knowledge. Although I have told you clearly that you can tell me If I'm a trouble I will walk away, still you don't express it out. You go on endearing all the pain silently and say that I'm your dearest Sakhi."

Anirudh angrily replied " I'm endearing the pain silently? Let me tell you, I have no pain or troubles Bondita. I have no turmoil's regarding you nor Am'I sacrificing anything for you. My only pain is that you are hiding all your feelings from me.  You are bearing the pain of breaking ties with your beloved mother and don't even let out a hint about it on your face. You can silently cry in Batuk's arms but not share your sorrows with me. You are the one hiding things from me and accusing me?" Bondita got surprised to hear that Anirudh knows about her broken relationship with her mother. She bent down guiltily being caught by her Patibabu.

Anirudh got even more angry looking at her facial expressions and screamed with anger and pain in his voice " THIS IS WHAT I HATE BONDITA. THAT YOU BEND YOUR HEAD DOWN AND DO NOT MEET YOUR EYES WITH ME. BONDITA WHO USED TO ALWAYS HAVE HER HEAD UP WITH PRIDE AND TRUTHFULLNESS IS NOW ALWAYS PUTTING HER HEAD DOWN IN FRONT OF ME. THIS IS WHAT CAUSES ME PAIN. YOU SAY THAT I'M HIDING MY TROUBLES RIGHT? FINE, I'M TELLING YOU OPENLY TODAY, YOUR SILENCE IS TROUBLING ME. CAN YOU RELIEVE ME FROM THIS TROUBLE?" Bondita just stood silently in the same posture without a movement. Her head was bent down and she was trying her best to control her tears which was observed by Anirudh. Feeling even more frustrated and painful, he just took his bag an left to court without speaking a word. 

After a couple of hours, Anirudh came out from the court on wining his important case. Feeling exhausted and tired, he went towards the Garden opposite to the court and sat on the bench. With a deep breath, he took out his wallet from his pocket and looked at the photograph containing Anirudh and Bondita's picture in Barrister robe. Looking at the photograph , he spoke to himself " What all just happened in a single day? From the time we have arrived at Calcutta, there has been a constant rift between us. Did we actually start quarrelling like how a typical Husband wife do?" He smiled still looking at the photograph and continued " I must say , you have grown up Bondita. You are showing me tantrums like a typical wife. You are the one who looks at me lovingly in the Tram without my knowledge and accuses that I'm hiding things from you? Indeed you are hiding a lot from me Madam." With a Blush on his face he continued." I'm ready to accept all the shades you show me Bondita. But what I'm not ready to accept is that you change yourself for the sake of the society. I will not allow you to suppress yourself like this. I'm ready to accept all your accusations or even fight with you but not let you remain silent endearing all your feelings within. I want you to be yourself chirpy, Jovial and transparent. I will do all that it takes to bring you back to your original self."

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