Chp 25 - The Chaotic Family

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Anirudh stumbled upon hearing the word Telegram.  He spoke with a worried expression "Read it Bondita."
Bondita opened the telegram with trembling hands and read
"Trilochan Da has suffered a heart attack.  He is constantly calling out for you. Come home immediately.
- Binoy Roy Chaudary "

Bondita had instant tears in her eyes and looked towards Anirudh. Anirudh with a horrrified expression ordered "Pack our bags Bondita. Meanwhile I will go check the train availabilty for Tulsipur. It's too late now, I'm not sure if there would be any train departing from calcutta now. If we don't get a train we would have to go by road.  Let me go check". Saying he barged out. Bondita on the other hand rushed to the room to pack their bags.  After a while Anirudh returned home panting. He rushed towards the wardrobe to pull out some money and spoke " Bondita hurry up.  There is a last train in 15 mins to Chandan nagar. From there we will take a bullock cart to Tulsipur."
Bondita rushed out of the home with their bag.  Anirudh too rushed out with some money in hand.  After Anirudh locked the door of their house, he called out " Mukherjee babu, Mukherjee babu.. " A man from the neighbourhood came at his call.  He spoke " What happened Barrrister babu, where are you going? "
Anirudh explained " I'm sorry to trouble you Mukherjee babu. I need to leave to Tulsipur immediately as my kaka is unwell.  Can you please do me a help?  Tomorrow is the last day to pay fees in calcutta law College for Bondita's education. If we don't pay fees tomorrow, a whole year would get wasted.  Please can you pay it on my behalf." Mukharjee replied " Sure barrister babu.  I will do it. " Anirudh handed over the money to him while he spoke with astonishment "Barrister babu, this is a lot of money.  I guess it would be most of your salary? Is the fees for law so expensive?" Anirudh replied "Yes law college is expensive as it is one of the best in the country. However by Durga maa's grace I'm able to earn well and afford this for my Bondita." Mukharjee replied "True,  but what about other expenses?  If you want to spend on something you like, you might have bare minimum." Anirudh replied with a small smile " Bondita's bright future is all that I need. I don't aspire anything else." Bondita had tears listening to his words.  She thought " Patibabu is doing so much for me and I really don't know how to lessen his work or burden. He works so hard and we are hardly able to save up due to the fees. I feel so happy that my Patibabu is doing so much for me but at the same time feel bad that he would have got a better life filled with luxuries if he didn't have to do this for me." Anirudh handed over the money and they rushed towards the Railway station.
In the train, Bondita was looking outside the window with tears flowing down her cheek. Anirudh observed her,stepped towards her and sat just adjacent to her.  He placed his hand over her shoulder which made her turn towards him.  He immediately wiped her tears gently and spoke "I know you are worried for Kaka. Don't worry he will be fine.  The moment he sees his Bondita bahu, he will be absolutely fine, I'm sure." Bondita started sobbing loudly and spoke " I don't know for what all I need to feel bad and guilty. Kaka sasurji is unwell because of me. When he left from here he was so upset for all that happened here.  While leaving he said that he is counting on me for mending our family. I know he doesn't want me to get educated further and I'm going to upset him by continuing my studies.  Also, there are differences between you and Batuk due to me.  On the other hand, you are spending so much on my education. You are sacrificing all your comforts for me. Also, You had to bend down in front of Richard only due to me. I'm becoming the reason for everyone's unhappiness in the family." Saying this she sobbed even more louder.
Anirudh brought her close in an embrace saying " Bondita calm down. Don't beat yourself up like this.  It's not at all fault for any of these.  It's just the situations were tough.  You are not responsible for any of these Bondita. Please calm down." Bondita continued sobbing in his arms and spoke without breaking the hug "But I cannot leave our dream now as it is the result of all your hardwork and also I need to settle scores with Richard for the way he disprespected you. How am I going to balance out the happiness of all the members of our family? " Anirudh replied breaking the hug and caressing her cheeks," Bondita don't get worked up thinking about all this.  I know situations are intense and each member of our family has different opinions.  But give it time Bondita.  All situations will fall in place with time.  Time is the best healer for everything. Now stop crying and forget all your worries in my arms." Bondita wiped her tears and placed her head on his chest soothing her mind. Anirudh too felt peaceful having her in his arms. He felt as if he can fight any problem in the world as long as she is with him. Soon both fell asleep.
The next morning the train arrived at Chandan nagar. They took a bullock cart and reached Tulsipur. The moment they reached home, they saw all the members of the family in Trilochan's room. Trilochan was lieing on the bed,looking extremely weak. Somnath was seated right beside Trilochan checking him, while Tapur, Batuk and Binoy were standing on the other side of the cot with worried expressions. Bihari was fanning Trilochan and his wife had come with food for everyone.
As soon as Anirudh and Bondita entered the room,  Trilochan screamed with a cracking voice "Anirudddhhhhh. " Anirudh ran towards Trilochan and held his hand saying " Kakaaa.  What happened to you?  How are you feeling? " Bondita too stood beside Anirudh asking with teary eyes " Kakasasurjiii,  see your Bondita Bahu came.  You have to get up and get well. " Trilochan replied with tiring voice gasping " Now that I saw you both I can die in peace. "
Anirudh and Bondita both yelled with tears "NO... Stop saying such words.  Nothing will happen to you." Anirudh turned around to ask Somnath about his health when his eyes fell on Batuk, who was trying to hide behind his Brother Somnath.  He gave Anirudh a timid look and looked aside avoiding his gaze.  Anirudh then thought "I will deal with Batuk later, first I need to make sure Kaka gets well soon. "He looked at Somnath and asked " Som, how is Kaka now?  What happened? How is his condition medically?"
Somanth rolled his palm on his hair and thought " Oh god.  What situation have kaka and Baba put me into?  Being a doctor I have to lie and play such dramatic games. I hate this so much. But I cannot deny too. Kaka and Baba are putting up an act so that Bondita boudi doesn't become a barrister. In a way that is what I want as well. If Bondita boudi becomes the first female barrsister of our country,  my wife Tapur will get neglected.  Everyone will only praise Boudi and my wife will not get the appreciation and importance.  Also,  Boudi will get higher opportunities to make Anirudh dada dance on her tunes.  I wonder how Anirudh dada is tolerating her though. And moroever it's important to make my foolish brother Batuk understand what stupidity he is doing by dreaming about his boudi.  I wonder what Boudi has done that Batuk has gone crazy over her beauty.  She may be beautiful or even the person with the best qualities but for me boudi is just someone who has complicated my Anirudh dada's life.  No matter how much I try I cannot make peace with boudi. "
Somnath's thoughts were broken when he heard Anirudh asking "Som,  what happened?  Why are you not replying?  I'm getting worried." Somnath replied " Ahh dada, please come out for a few mins." Saying he gets up his seat asking Anirudh to follow him. While Somnath was walking out of the room Binoy gave him a stern look to obey him.
Somnath was followed by Anirudh out of the room. Somnath spoke with a heavy heart " Dada his condition is very critical. It's better you don't give him any kind of tension. Don't ever disobey him now. His blood pressure is too high and other parameters too are not good.  Even the slightest worry would make his condition worse. He loves you the most amongst all of us.  So please stay with him, keep him happy and do all that it takes to make him recover. "
Anirudh started panicking listening to him and with trembling legs he went back to Trilochan's room.  Anirudh sat beside Trilochan holding his hand. Trilochan spoke in a low gasping voice " Anirudhhh I'm only worried about you.  I know Som and Batuk will manage themselves but you being the krantikarii(revolutionary), fitoori one.. Ahh(gasping).. Always do something dangerous. I'm worried about your personal life...ahh ahh(gasping).. You always put everything at stake including your own life for revolution.  That's why please promise.. Promise me that you too will lead a normal life like others.  You too will have a family life.  Promise me that soon you will give a grand son. " Hearing this Anirudh and Bondita get shocked.  However there is someone more shocked that is Batuk. Batuk's eyes widened on hearing this and thought" Oh god. What I had asked kaka to do but what he is asking?  His health has made him forget what I had requested him.  Oh no, I'm so helpless.  I love my kaka.  I cannot shut him up in this health condition. God,  what do I do now? " Batuk in annoyance got up and left the room. Anirudh looked at Batuk intensely as he walked out.  Trilochan continued to speak with a pitiful gaze "Bahuuu.. Please tell Anirudh. I just want to see you all happy. Am I asking too much.. Ahhh.. Bahuu.. Please the happiness of this family is in your hands.. ahh.. Tell Anirudh." Trilochan started gasping and breathing loudly. All the members try to calm him, however Trilochan continued to pretend as if he was getting more sick.  Looking at Trilochan's Condition, Binoy screamed at Anirudh "Are you so heartless that you cannot see your kaka suffering? Why don't do what he is asking? Can't you do this much for your kaka?  Is your stubbornness more than your kaka?  How can you be so selfish Anirudh?" Somnath added "Anirudh dada please.. I told you right?  Don't go against him else.. Please." Anirudh had beads of sweat on his head while he looked at Bondita with a puzzled look as if asking her permission or suggestion.  Bondita understood his dilemma. Anirudh wanted to make her a Barrister. Starting a family life was no where in his plan atleast not for now.  She knew by now that he wanted to spend his whole life with her but she was not sure if he really accepted her as a wife in true sense. She could not force him nor could she see her Kakasasurji in a critical state.  With tears in eyes she just said " What ever you decide Patibabu,I'm with you."

Anirudh with a heavy heart spoke "I promise Kaka,  you will get your grand child."

How do you think will Anirudh make Bondita a barrister, now that he has made a promise to his Kaka?

What do you think about Somnath's point of view?

What would Batuk do now?

Do you like Anidita's growing relationship?

Let me know your views in the comments section. Happy Reading :)

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