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The sun has barely peaked itself above the horizon as I trod down to the beach. An array of colors lights up the sky. If I weren't here to admire something else, I'd spend my time mapping out a beautiful painting of the sight before me in my mind. Constantly capturing photos of the ever changing sky from pinks and oranges to a dull blue.

There is a lull in the air, a silence that I have grown to love. It helps me forget the woes and dramas that are constantly flowing in the friend group. Someone always has something going on. There's always issues to solve. This was the only time I was free of all of it.

I tuck my knees into my chest and rest my head on them as I wait patiently for Bax's arrival. On time like clockwork, his feet hit the sand and he's trudging his way toward the water. His face is focused, seemingly just as numb as mine is when I'm here. He's in the water only worrying about himself and the waves rippling around him.

I sit for a couple of hours watching, letting myself wake to the glory of his defined movements in the water. He starts to paddle in and I try to make my quick escape, one I've managed to perfect. But I've made a miscalculation, I've sat further down the beach than normal, the distance much further than I expect. And just like that, a secret I've been keeping is lost in the blink of an eye.

"May?" My name trickles off his tongue like it's made to be there permanently—but it not, and it won't be.

I flick my head back in his direction, sending my hair spinning out from my body. It falls to one side as I lift my hand up to shield my eyes from the beaming sun. My eyes squint, still trying to focus on his incoming body.

"Bax?" I question him back. The less I speak the better off I am. I've never been great at lying. My cheeks always tiny pink, my eyes always unable to focus on a single target. I'd never be able to win a poker game, I'm a walking red flag.

"Whatcha doing down here?" He closes the distance between us. His wetsuit hanging down at his waist. It's taking everything in me to not steal glances at his bare skin, but I have to hold it together. If there was one moment in my life to break old habits, this needed to be it.

"Couldn't sleep. Didn't want to wake Summer." I mumble out, my eyes looking everywhere but at him. I'm failing.

He chuckles at my blatant cues of uncomfortableness. "How's she been? I haven't seen her out here in a while." He motions toward the water and I swear I can feel my heart literally sink.

After the massive disaster that was nationals, he's been MIA only appearing when invited. It's been about a week since Summer's spoken about him. She's too preoccupied in Ari. I can barely even get a moment of her time, not that I minded. Their love was a testament of time, even if in the end it caused pain for some.

"She only goes out surfing with Ari. But she's been good." I shrug, but feel guilty even bringing his name up. Bax's eyes shift toward the sand and every part of me wishes I could help mend that pain. But I can't. So instead I just let him suffer in silence because he will never admit he's hurting.

"You should come to our place later." I reach out and place my hand on his shoulder. "Summer's throwing a party. Mom's out of town doing business as usual. I think everyone would like to have you around."

"You sure about that Maybelle?" His eyes glance questioning at me. In my dream I might even think he's using his charm on me. But this was real life, not dreams, and he was only simply asking me a simple question.

"No one's mad at you." I drop my hand from his shoulder as I let out a sigh. "They have no reason to be. You did nothing wrong. Just because you're a Radic doesn't mean you're like them. Last time I checked, they hurt you too. If anything we should be by your side checking to make sure you're good."

"I'm good." He assures me with a simple smile. He'll never let anyone see him crack. He will always present himself with his head held high. This man shows no weakness.

"Well I should get back, don't want anyone questioning where I am." I gesture over my shoulder. "See you later Bax." I wiggle my fingers in a wave and walk away before he can even return a goodbye.

My heart thumps in my chest as I walk up to the house. I lean against the door to gather my composer. I have no idea how I slipped up, how I made such a fatal error. This was never meant to happen. How did I mess up so badly?

When I enter the house, Summer's in the kitchen filling up a glass with water, immediately questioning where I've been. I relay the same lie I rattled off to Bax, but Summer knows me better and instantly catches my bold face lie.

I talk myself in circles trying to convince her it's the truth. But my face only gets redder, the tint traveling to the tips of my ears in embarrassment of being caught. So instead of continuing to make a fool of myself I divert the conversation toward the only other thing I can think of.

"I invited Bax to the party tonight. He was finishing up a surf when I was heading back. He asked about you." My face falls as I report the news.

"I've been meaning to reach out. Just been busy." She tries to convince me of all people that she means to try. But I know her better than that. She did mean to try, but her priorities are set elsewhere. If I was being thrown onto a back burner, Bax was going to be nowhere in sight.

"Sucking face with your boyfriend." I roll my eyes and lean against the counter. "I say that out if jealousy I hope you know." My eyes shift to her, and she's got a smile cracked across her face.

"It will happen to you someday Belle!" Summer's eyes warm with a happiness. She's always been the one to keep the spirits high, always confident that everything good will always find its way to the surface.

Even when she watched the man she wanted for herself love on someone else. She still kept her vibes high, and her attitude as positive as she could. It proved difficult, but all of us would have snapped, she didn't.

In a way, her and Bax were a lot alike. They always acted so unfazed on surface level. Both overly confident in everything they've put their mind to. Never giving up on what they want. They would have been good together, as much as I hate to admit it, they worked.

But Summer would always be blinded by her feelings for Ari. She'd never see what I saw. She'd never feel the chemistry that I saw the moment Bax stuck his neck out for her. And even though that should make me feel lucky, it doesn't. Because I know deep down, Bax will always hold a special place in his life for her. Even if she never comes back.

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