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◈ 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗 ◈

Bax looks over my shoulder as I stand looking in the mirror. I trace the collar of the shirt I'm wearing—how it dips unbelievably low, showing way more than Baxter bargained for. His fingers reach around me, doing up another button on the front of his shirt that's laced over my skin. His fingers graze against the soft skin of my breast and I nearly let out a soft moan from the contact.

We've been a Sahara Desert. The only sort of affection is a kiss here, or a cuddle there. But it's only by my own doing. The early mornings and late nights with Bax have drained me for all I'm worth. By the time Bax arrives to be with me, I'm ready to curl up in his arms and sleep.

The few times I've fallen asleep while waiting for him, I've woken up in a pool of my own sweat, screams scratching my throat raw. It's why I spend most nights like a mad woman to stay awake. Sleeping without Bax has made my life a living hell. If he isn't there I see red. Not anger red. Blood red, blood of mine, blood of his, blood of everyone's around. It's always best to wait until he's around. That way I know I haven't stabbed a dagger through his chest and taken him off this Earth too.

I follow Bax's hands undoing the button he deemed necessary for my privacy. But I disagreed. I liked the way his eyes flocked to my breast like a hawk to a carcass. His eyes were hungry for me, he was hungry for me, and that's all I really wanted.

"Undo this damn button one more time and I swear I'll make sure you miss your own party." He says past gritted teeth. He does the button up one more time, nipping at the skin on my neck when I attempt to undo it again.

Tonight was the only night he could get away with being a vampire, but I wasn't willing to tempt fate. I'm sure I'd be punished enough throughout the night. I had a feeling Bax was going to regret coming up with this idea. A boy who once lacked any jealous bone in his body now raged full of only jealous bones. I could relate. If one girl dared to stare a little longer than she should, you best believe the devil would make an appearance at this party tonight.

"Don't tease me Bax. You know I like being naughty." I turn and face him. Pinching his chin between my fingers. "Disobeying your rules only brings me pleasure."

"I'll make you wear the sheet." He points over to my bed—a bed clearly equipped with white sheets. He could force me into that torture. Fine. One button wouldn't kill me.

"I'd rather you fu—" he clamps his hand over my mouth. His hand doesn't move even after we've exited my room. He's silenced me. That's only for my dirty words. Because if I continue, the strain he's already feeling down below—will definitely indeed—get a lot worse.

"Are you ready to be a good girl?" He mumbles against my ear.

I nod my lead slowly, his hand slipping off giving me the freedom to speak again. But now I don't want to speak. I want to have my way with him. But there was a party to attend and I wasn't about to be late to my own doing.

We were late, of course we were. After getting a little too lost in a quick make out on the way, we stumble in to meet everyone. I've gained a new accessory in the way of a hickey on my neck. Bax liked to make it known that I was indeed claimed, by him and only him. I didn't mind, but I knew Summer's mom would in the morning.

Oh well, kids will be kids.

"We thought you weren't going to show." Summer wraps her arms around me. "Figured you'd thrown the party to get some alone time." She wiggles her hips. Things have been okay between us. At first I was mad at her for ratting me out. But rat out the devil, they'll still find a way. And we did.

"You'd just tell your mom what happened." I push her playfully. "Couldn't risk being fully banned from seeing this idiot." I pull Bax toward me, his body colliding against mine before wrapping me up in his grasp.

"I was upset. I'm sure if you asked she'd let the rule go now. Or she already knows you're breaking the rule so it doesn't matter." Summer winks at me, shifting her eyes to Bax and raising her hand to give him a high five. Which he takes for good reason. The more he was around, the less I screamed.

"I don't break rules. I would never." I smirk, and we both just laugh at the blatant lie. At least we weren't breaking too many rules. We weren't fucking. We were just being a clingy couple. There was nothing wrong with that. I mean, unless people wanted the demons to be released again.

"Bax, I thought Wren was coming." I scan the room, seeing no sight of his sister—or her new boyfriend. Tonight was supposed to be their big debut together. Leave it to his sister to be fashionably late. It wouldn't be Wren if she didn't try and steal the show. More power to her, I would very much like to fade away into a wall and get lost in time with Bax.

"Let me call her." Bax pulls his phone out, but I push his hand down before he can make the call. There was no need to call. The less time she's around, the better. She has lightened up on her harshness, but it still slipped through—just as our dark sides did.

"I think your girlfriend might have other plans Bax." Summer nods her head toward a secluded area. I may or may not have set this area up specifically for myself. It's a cordoned off place—black blankets hanging from the ceiling to hide things we were too lazy to take out of the room.

"Who me?" I tease.

"No, that hot chick over there." Bax motions to a random girl across the room. "Should I introduce you?"

I reach up to my shirt and undo the button we spent five minutes fighting over. Bax carefully watches me, studies my body the way he does when I've got nothing on at all. "Oh for sure. I'll make sure to let her know she's got to tighten her reigns. Because her boyfriend's been a little preoccupied staring at someone else's tits." I tuck my finger under his chin and lift his focus.

"I don't know what kind of kinky shit I've just started but this is my cue to leave." Summer walks off, leaving Bax and I alone in the little bubble we've just created around ourselves. 

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