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"But you deserve to break my rules." I walk my fingers up his torso, but he grabs my hand through his shirt. He raises his brows at me, like I'm tempting fate. It was my final warning. If I continued, my rule wouldn't just be broken it would be shattered into a million tiny pieces.

"Do I now?" His eyes flick toward my lips, his tone teetering on the verge of wanting to take me right here and now.

"Baxter Radic you bad boy." I tease leaning my weight against him. I want to feel how his body is reacting to me. I've missed it. Missed this side of him.

"Never claimed to be good." He spins us, pushing my back against the side of the car. "This is your final warning Maybelle, if you don't stop I will obliterate the biggest rule you have."

"Then obliterate it." I look him dead in the eyes. I'm serious. Fuck it all. I have thought about letting this man make love to me for far too long. I didn't care where or how it happened. I just wanted his lips on my skin, his hands wandering my body. I wanted him inside of me and the light pulsing between my legs could have told you that a good five minutes ago.

"In." He demands, opening the passenger door beside me. I don't move. "I said in." He flicks his eyes toward the front seat, and I follow his orders like the obedient girl that I am.

He rounds the car from the back, sliding into the driver's seat before I even have my seatbelt buckled. "Don't even think about touching my dick while I drive." He glares at me, adjusting himself before throwing the car into reverse and pulling out of the parking lot.

Now that he's made a clear distinction that he's clearly wanting me, I can't help but stare. My eyes are glued the bulge in his pants. He just had to tell me not to touch. Now all I want to do is touch.

"You're contemplating it. Don't do it." He wraps his hand around mine, holding it in place as he drives. He was really taking control of this situation and I don't know if I have ever found him more attractive in my life. If he didn't pull the car over soon, we'd both be in trouble.

"What if I touch myself instead?" I take my freehand and start lowering it below the waistband of my pants. I hear an audible noise escape from Bax but I don't even know what to call it. It's a mix between a moan, a groan, and a gulp all in one.

"Maybelle fucking Grace I swear to god if you move your hand any further I will pull this car over and fuck you right here in front of everyone." He says past gritted teeth. "And don't think I won't."

The veins in his forearms and hands pop more than normal. A clear indication his blood if flowing a little faster and harder than usual. He was extremely hot and bothered... and so was I.

I pull my hand free from my waistband and instead direct his hand between my thighs. I clench my thighs around his hand as the car bumps over a speed bump. The pressure of his hand against me has me sinking my teeth into my lower lip.

"Fuck me." He presses his hand against me as I drop my head back against the seat. I'm nearly panting at the slight pressure and that's how I know how badly I need this.

"That's the fucking plan." I get out between heaving breaths.

This was supposed to torture him, not the other way around. I try to yank his hand away but he's stronger than me. It's no use. His hand it locked between my thighs. He's doing nothing but also everything without even giving me his full attention. How was I so easily putty in his palms?

"Take them off." He nods his head toward my pants, pulling his hand from my crotch to give a little bit of freedom to me. I protest. "I said... take them off." He demands me. "Or I'll do it for you." He shoots a warning glance at me. One that says if I do it you'll be left with shreds, not wearable clothes.

I hesitate still. Looking around at cars passing by—people walking just feet away. "Bax..." I groan lifting my hips off the seat. Not to remove my bottoms but because I want his hand back to me.

He swiftly brings the car over to the side of the road, slamming it into park. "Take them off Maybelle." He looks me dead in the eyes as he speaks.

I reach for the waistband and slide just the pants I'm wearing down my legs, off my feet, and let them pool on the floor below me. His eyes trace my bare legs before he shifts the car back into drive and continues on with us driving.

He lets me ache, feeling half naked beside him. His hands are clinching the steering wheel and I can't deal with the pulsing between my thighs anymore. I push my hand against myself, rubbing over the fabric as he drives. He doesn't notice until I let out a loud moan, that I don't expect.

His eyes shut at the sound. He lets out a staggered breath trying to compose himself before glancing in my direction. "Fuck." He groans, running his hand through his hair. "You're killing me May."

"I need you." I reach for his hand, which he willingly gives me and slide it past my underwear, letting his fingers slip through my wet folds. I immediately let out a moan loving the feeling of his hands against me again.

"Fuck it." Bax checks over his shoulder before making a quick turn off on a slightly abandoned road we've walked what feels like hundreds of times on our adventures.

Once deep enough on the winding road, Bax pulls the car over and slams his seat back as far as it will go. "Come." He holds his hand out for me to grab for balance.

I climb over the center counsel and slot myself between him and the steering wheel. He pulls my face toward him, drowning me a begging kiss. It's sloppy and feverish. I don't even care because I'm in such a foggy cloud I couldn't even tell you up from down right now.

I roll my hips against him as I tangle my hands up in his hair. The action against his—more than likely—throbbing cock has him moaning into my mouth. But the moment the moan escapes he's pulling away. "I'm not going to last long May."

His fingers dig into my hips to stop the motion of them. We're both still clothed and on the edge of spilling over. We were a fucking hot and heavy mess. So much for rules.

"I don't care." I groan, slamming my lips back into his. But he quickly pulls away.

"I also don't have a condom." He drops his head back starting to feel annoyed that all of this happening and he feels like he can't even enjoy it.

"Just fuck me." I glare at him, slipping my underwear off in the most unsexy way possible. Cars, small space, no room, very uncoordinated.

His eyes lock to my now visible pussy and every part of me wishes his head was buried between my thighs but that could be handled later. This was happening, condom or not, quickly or not. His dick was going inside me one way or another. If I was breaking my rule, I was going all out.

"May, we can't." He eyes don't leave my nakedness. He's admiring a spot he's clearly missed. As much as I love the look on his face and how kind he's being. It's not helping my situation.

"I'm on the pill I don't care about a stupid fucking condom. If you don't wake your dick up and put it inside me, you'll have a very fucking unhappy girlfriend." The roles had completely reversed. I was the one demanding him to do as told. And boy did he listen.

The moment he found out I was on the pill his pants hit the car floor and his dick was in me in seconds. I didn't quite know what I was doing on top but fuck did he guide me over the top. I finished before him, which he didn't expect by the shocked look on his face as I twitched through the rise... and fall. But he followed quickly after spilling his content inside of me. Which would be a situation I would deal with when he wasn't around.

With his dick still inside me, I lay rested against his chest as we both fall from our highs, sweaty messes and rapid heart rates. His fingers comb through my hair as I listen to his heart thump against his chest. I didn't want to move, but I had to.

I slowly lift myself off of him. A groan leaves past both our lips as his dick slides out of me. I lower body back down to his chest, knowing we have a mess we'll have to clean up before returning the car back to Summer's mom. I'm not sorry for christening her car. I needed it.

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