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I'm curled up on Bax's chest, listening to his heart thump against his ribs. The pitter patter knocking down from its picked up pace. His fingers drag through my hair, twirling the ends for a bit as he reaches the them.

Were still naked, a sticky dampness still clung to our skin as we lay under my covers. It was easier to hide away from our sins this way. The only evidence being our scattered clothing around the room—which was already a normal occurrence. This would be no different.

I haven't said a word since we finished. There is so much I could say. I could go on and on about how he made me feel. I could tell him that I was happy he was my first. I could tell me how soft he was showed me how much he cared. I could go on and on for hours explaining the madness racing through my calm body. But instead, I let the beating of his heart distract me. I let it lull my eyes closed as his chest raises and falls slightly under the pressure of my head.

I wake about an hour later to Bax shifting below me. He tries to calm me back to sleep but I deny his attempts. I don't want to waste another second I have with him. I don't need to sleep when there is still so much more to do. We have too many adventures to have.

Despite the naked bodies we still have, I straddle over him. My ass resting right against him like I've gained all confidence in a sleep. He groans at the abrupt action—though is clearly pleased with the idea. I can feel it below me.

"Well hello there." I can tell he wants to be a gentleman, but his eyes focus straight to my breast. They're on full show. There is no avoiding what's being given to him for free.

His hands situate on my hips as they roll against him. It's not intentional, his face is just too far away, and my lips are missing his. I lower my face to his, pressing kisses to his lips first, before trailing kisses the same way he did to me. "Maybelle." He warns. If I continue this is going to end up heading in the exactly same direction as earlier.

"Baxter." I look up through my lashes at him. He had no right to question my actions.

"You know what, I'll just shut up." Bax lets go of my hips, tucking his hands behind his head. The smugness of his action as me wanting to lift myself off him to let him handle himself on his own.

I sit up again, rocking my hips against him again as I do. A moan comes from deep inside him when I do. I can tell he's trying to hold back—he just can't control the way his body reacts to me.

My eyes study every miniscule movement in the features on his face. He's holding back words he wants to say. I can tell by the hard swallow he keeps choking down. I can tell he's enjoying by the hunger in his eyes. I can tell this might turn to torture soon if I continue to move around on top of him by the sweat that's starting to dew on his skin. This man is just pure putty in my palms right now.

"I hold a lot of power in my hands right now," I pause for a second and watch how Bax reacts to my words, "don't I Baxter?" The twinge of sultriness on my tone has Bax fighting the urge to escape. I have the temptation of torture with my words. And by the flick of fear in his eyes, he doesn't know if he can handle the teasing.

"I think my dick answered that question a few minutes ago Maybelle." He mumbles, his hips lifting needing the friction of my skin against his.

"Hey, hey!" I reach for his hands which have slipped from behind his head in response to my question. I lean forward, pinning his wrists against my pillows. "I didn't say you could do that, did I?" I raise my brow in question.

He slowly moves his head back and forth in a no motion.

"I didn't think so." I smirk and grind myself against him which quickly earns a moan in response. Honestly, I have to flight back the urge to match his moan with one of my own. It's hard, but I manage by clamping my eyes closed for a quick second.

"You aren't actually going to ride my dick, are you?" Baxter question me. There is a hint of frustration in his tone. It's clear the man has not been placed in teasing hands before. I guess he shouldn't have taught the master of learning the tricks of his trade.

"Do you really think so lowly of me my love?" I whisper in his ear, my breath sending goosebumps to skin.

"Fuck." Bax groans, ignoring my question all together.

I reach into the bedside table beside my bed and pull out one of the condoms Bax had stashed in there at some point. I don't know when, I just remember finding them one day and appreciating the fact that he was going to treat me right.

"I'll go back to shutting up." Bax clamps his lips shut as I lift myself and slide the condom onto his dick.

"Not for long." I wink as I lower myself onto him. I barely get the tip in before I let out a yelp again. Baxter quickly reaches for hips and presses himself further into me. A deep moan rolling from his gut as the pleasure releases out of him.

I sit there for a second, with him deep inside of me while I catch my breath. The feeling still so new, still a bit painful—okay maybe a lot painful, but definitely worth it.

I place my hands against his chest to steady myself as I start to shift him in and out of me. I drop my head back as I do. The pleasure slipping in as the pain vanishes nearly completely.

Bax's eyes roll back in pleasure, but when they're not their filled with such satisfaction, delight, and lust, any lack in confidence in who I am completely vanishes.

"Baby, can I?" Bax begs from below.

I nod my head. Before I can completely finish shifting my head down, Bax has us flipped so he's on top. He crashes his lips into mine and he forcefully shoves himself into me as far as he can. I moan into his mouth as he does it, no will left in me to focus on kissing the man I love.

After a few pumps he's spilling into the condom and finishing me off with a quick few movements of his fingers. I run my hands down my face as he drops onto the bed next to me. "You wild one." He chuckles.

"Like you've never woken up horny." I look over at him lackadaisically, my head flopping like a dead fish against the pillow.

"I mean well, obviously I have, but I use my hand for that." He states in his bluntly witty tone that I love too much for my own good.

"Baxter Radic!" I slap my hand against his bare skin. My mouth drops at his blunt comment and I sit straight up, holding the blanket to my chest.

"I'm sorry that I've had to fantasize about your tits in my dreams for so long." He shrugs, sitting up to continue this conversation face to face.

"You never asked." I tap his nose before getting off the bed, taking the blanket as I drift from him. I wrap it around myself like a towel, leaving him fully exposed on the bed.

"If I knew that was an option..." his voice trails as his eyes watch me, waiting for the blanket to drop to the floor for one final look.

I take a step. "Fuck." The blanket drops as I grip between my legs.

"Oh yeah, sorry. You might be a bit sore." Bax gives me a wink as if my pain is punishment for the little bit of tease he ended up with.

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