-Chapter 5: Cup of Nations-

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It's been a month or two. We started the Cup of Nations and I've been on the starting 11 every game so far. I've assisted Sam in a few goals, getting one or two myself as well. It's been an insane week and now, it's the finals against Spain.

I've texted Ellie quite often, getting to know her and her life in Lyon along with her life in Australia. We have quite a bit in common, yet, we haven't had the guts to call each other. Alycia on the other hand has spent a lot of time with Hayley. In fact, since training, we've gone to a different hotel for the tournaments and....she's rooming with Raso!

I've instead begun rooming with Sam. Which is amazing, other than the fact that she keeps on pestering me with random news or comments about Ellie. I swear, she acts like I don't know my own feelings.

I'm sitting at my little cubby listening to music, getting myself to calm down slightly before the game. Sam's next to me in her cubby since Ellie isn't here and her number is between Sam and I. I feel her tap my shoulder and glance up to see Sam motion for me to take off my headphones. I do, putting them into my bag before turning to her. "What's up?" I ask, watching as she nods at the other side of the room where I see Alannah setting up a speaker. "Is she..."

"She is."

Alannah likes blasting dramatic music out loud to get all our spirits up before a game. It's the best thing ever, but I always realise it too late. Now, I'm watching as she grabs a bottle, putting it to her mouth as a mic and the beginning tunes of Strawberry Kisses by Nikki Webster plays. The song immediately gets others turning to her, grinning wildly.

Alannah struts around the room, grinning as we all begin singing together. "From the bottom of my heart, oh boy I've got to tell you this. Since the day we've been apart, you're the only one I miss." I grab my phone, putting the camera to face me before filming everyone dancing and singing wildly.

This is what I love about the Matildas. We're all one big family. I even see Alycia with her hairbrush, dancing around and being all silly. She can be shy about her singing, but here she is, belting the chorus to the song. It really shows how much we trust the girls even though we're the new players.

My second family.


We won.


I grin, watching as Sam lifts the trophy up in the air while the Australian Anthem plays on the speakers and cheers are heard from the crowd watching the game. That's a difference I'm gonna have to get used to. The crowds at the World Cup will be way bigger than this. Way, way, bigger. Everything we do will be magnified by like, 10 times. It's scary, but I'm here for it.

We each take turns lifting the trophy, grinning as we all admire our medals that hang around our necks. We take pictures, obviously, which are going to go on the Matildas social media pages before we go off to greet some fans. I walk up to someone who holds a sign 'Can I have your shirt Y/N? #22' I grin, tilting my head at the girl holding the sign. "I didn't think I had fans here already." I say to her, signing something she hands me too. "I follow you at Sydney FC! And I can tell you're gonna be big at the Tillies, so I wanna be one of the few who get to say I was a fan before you became big. Not that you're not big already." She says. She looks to be around 14? My guess.

I laugh, nodding before taking my shirt off my body, signing it and handing it to her. "Brag to your friends for me." I say as she squeals loudly, jumping up and now. "Thank you!" She says. I grin, turning to see the Matildas videographer filming the interaction. I get the attention of the girl again. "Hey, smile for the camera." I say, nodding to the camera. She grins widely and I follow suit, laughing as we finish and jogging to the sidelines where I had my blue Matildas jacket. I put it on, covering my body from the cool breeze of the afternoon before going off and signing a few more posters and leaving with the girls.

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