-Chapter 23: Group Stage End-

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A/N: sorry I've been missing. Took a small break for Schoolies, Atar results and Uni offers. Here's a small chapter as an apology while I write the rest of the book. But fun news at the bottom!!!

Ah, Melbourne weather.
The place where it can be all four seasons in the matter of 30 minutes.
The moment we leave the plane, we get ushered into a bus and to the hotel we're staying at to drop our things. Then it's off to training!
It's chaotic, but who could expect less from the World Cup?

As expected, the 4 days fly by. We had half a day of recovery before we jumped back into training and gym. With Sam still injured, it places a feeling of slight concern in the fans...but as a team, we know we are strong either way. We gather around Tony as he addresses us. We're at the stadium the morning of the game and we're doing a bit of briefing.

"Canada. We know they're tough. Olympic Champions. But that doesn't mean they have to win." Tony begins before going through videos of their recent matches. He points out a few flaws he's noticed and how we must fight back. We nod, giving our own opinions now and then before he wraps it up. "Alright. For today's lineup...."


It's always proud to sing your national anthem in front of your home crowd. It's an honour and honestly. I don't think many things will beat this. With the anthem done and the team photo taken, everyone takes their positions on the field and waits for the starting whistle.

I'm not on the field. I watch from the side with Sam as the game starts and the ball darts across the field. Tony planned on subbing me on in the second half to replace Raso. Alycia was also to be subbed on to replace Foord. He was planning to use the old 'replace experience with energy' kinda play. With both of us having 'fresh legs' and plenty of stamina, we'd attack in the second half. The only difference is, we're either attacking to prevent losing, or attacking to maintain a lead. That will depend on how the first half goes.

The ball whizzes around the field, passed from player to player until it lands at Hayley's feet. "Shoot!" I shout as Alycia screams loudly beside me. From there, only 9 minutes in, the ball finds its way to the back of the net, scoring Australia one point.

I jump around, grinning madly as I hug Alycia. One point to us. I catch Ellie's eye on the field and give her a wink, which she responds with a grin.


At halftime, the team are in high spirits with us having the points while Canada are with none. We don't let that get our hopes too high though. "They're the Olympic champions for a reason. J expect them to bite back harder this half." Sam says, watching us as we nod. "Now I plan to make a few changes to the lineup....." Tony says as we listen.

The second half begins with the same team while Alycia and I jog to warm up. It's clear that we're going to be subbed on. But when? Who knows.
As I jog, I notice a sign on the side that has my number on it. Getting closer, I grin as I read it.

'The future of the Matildas, number 22, Y/N!!!'

I jog to the side, grinning at the little girl holding the sign. She seems super shy and hides behind her mother as she spots me. In a way, she reminds me of how I was when I first joined a new school.  "Hey." I say, grinning. She waves, smiling widely. "How about after this match, I give you a present. Would you like that?" I ask, not realising there are cameras on me. The girl nods, making me grin. "Stay here after the match. I'll find you." I say before joining Alycia again.


At 65 minutes, Tony calls for subs. I grin as the crowd goes wild. The sign goes up with Alycia's number and Caitlin's number being displayed, calling the girl off the field and subbing Alycia on.

The crowd goes louder as my number goes on alongside Hayley. I high five her as she reaches the side, jogging into the field and taking my position. Let the game begin.

The fight for the ball is always wild. But with our spirits high, motivation skyrocketing and the home crowd pushing us on, we attack like our lives depend on it. Keeping Canada at 0 and getting our lead to 4.

By the end of the match, we watch as the timer goes down and the final whistle blows, signalling the end of the match. At the sound, I cheer, turning wildly to find any of my teammates. We all hug, cheer and high five before I turn only to be tackled to the ground by a familiar weight.

"We did it!" Ellie cheers excitedly, hugging me tightly as I grin, rubbing her back. "That we did! We're in the World Cup. Our home World Cup." I say, grinning as Ellie pulls back to smile and meet my eye. We sit there for a second before I'm snapped out of my trance by Sam.

"Okay lovebirds, unless you're ready to announce your relationship to the world, I suggest getting up." She mutters before hoisting us to our feet.

As I scan the crowd, I notice the little girl again, making me grin. "Hold on a sec, Cap." I tell Sam before jogging to the girl. She watches me excitedly as a camera follows. "All your cheering helped us win. I could hear you from all the way over there!" I say, pointing to the other side of the field. She giggles, coming out from behind her mothers body.

At that, I hold a hand out and she takes it. "You felt like my personal cheerleader today. What's your name?" I ask. "April." She says. "Well. I have a gift for you April." I say before borrowing a pen, taking my jersey off and quickly scrubbing a message on it for her. I grin, watching as her eye light up as I hold it out to her.

"I'll always remember you, April!" I say before blowing her a kiss and jogging back to the team, to Ellie. She grins as she watches me, tilting her head. "Who knew our Y/N could be such a sweetie." She says, making me shove her playfully. "Says the one dating the 'sweetie'" Raso whispers, earning a playful glare from the blonde.

Hayley holds her hands up in defence and escapes, leaving us walking to the changing rooms. "I can't believe the group stage is over. We're in." Ellie says, linking pinkies with me. I grin, linking mine with hers. "Believe it, Els. It's time we show the world what Australia is made of."

And that's what we plan to do.


Thank you.

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