-Chapter 20: Work, Fun and Play-

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A/N: Thank you so much following me! Somehow you guys like my writing enough for me to reach 200 followers, which I can't believe. Here's another chapter as a thank you!!!


Waking up in familiar arms was amazing. I'll always miss having her warm arms wrapped around me as we're cuddled together. I open my eyes, blinking at the brightened room. I feel the warmth of someone beside me, the familiar smell of Ellie resting beside me bringing me back to our room in Lyon. I smile to myself, chuckling as I bury my head into her chest where it's resting. Her arms shift around me, holding me tighter as her raspy morning voice fills my ear. "What's got you smiling so early in the morning?" She asks, the small rasp in her voice making me want to kiss her then and there. "Nothing. I just miss being all cuddled up to you in the morning." I mutter.

She laughs, stroking my hair as we enjoy the few more minutes of silence before her alarm rings. "We've got gym and conditioning today." She says, waiting for me to respond. I hum, sighing before standing from the bed and yawning. "Alright." I mutter, walking over to her side and placing a kiss on her head. "See you at breakfast then?" I ask. She smiles, nodding. "See you, babe."

I exit her room, digging for the card to my own room when the door across from my room opens, revealing Sam who stares at me with wide eyes. "Did you just come from Ellie's room?" She asks, taking note of my sleep attire and how I'm trying to get INTO my room, not OUT of my room. "Maybe." I say, smirking before entering my room. I wave to Sam as she stares before closing the door.


After getting changed, I headed down to the canteen where everyone already was. I spot Ellie and sit in the seat beside her, opposite to Sam who is giving me a suspicious look as I do. "So, how was your sleep, Y/N?" She asks over the rim of her coffee cup. "Pretty good. The beds are really comfortable." I say, smiling as I sip my own coffee. "Right..." She replies, leaning back in her chair. "Sure."

Let's say Sam ends up teasing the shit out of me and Ellie for the rest of the day. No, the week. With all the hardcore training Tony put us through, it's not long before we're all so tired that we sit in silence, in our own worlds.


It's the day of our first World Cup match and we're not in NSW for our game at Stadium Australia. Compared to the past week, the energy is high as the nerves are. It's a game against Ireland for the group stage and, with it being our first home World Cup game, we're all determined to make our country proud.

We're sitting in the canteen that morning as Tony announces his starting 11.

"Alright. Girls, we have worked really hard in the past few months for these games. I have seen so much potential and improvement in all of you, and I am confident we will make our country proud. Now, onto the matters I'm sure you all want to hear. For the starting eleven..." He says as he brings up a diagram on a projected screen. It's the field and the pictures of the players playing which positions. I spot Ellie's picture at the bottom right, telling me she's playing right back in the starting eleven before my eyes drift up to the right wing where I see my picture. I grin, feeling Ellie's hand on mine as she grins at me, clearly seeing the same thing.

"For our starting eleven, I would like Macca as the goalie, followed by Steph at left back, Alannah and Hunt at centre fullbacks and Ellie at right back. We will be going with a 4-4-2 formation, so I would like Vine at left wing, Kyra and Mini middle and Y/N, you're at right wing. Finally, I'd like Mary and Caitlin at the front." He says, pointing to whoever he says when he says it. We all nod as I hear a sigh from Sam.

Unfortunately, Sam had injured her calf yesterday during our last training day, ruling her out for the next two games at least. She isn't happy, but we've all tried to cheer her up because we all know the injury isn't bad enough to rule her out for the rest of the cup. I side hug Sam, grinning at her. "At least your return will be a big entrance." I say, earning a smile from the girl.

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