-Chapter 26: Fuck The Media-

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It's almost over so quickly. The days of training and rest before our next match. The Semifinals. Even as we prepare, I have a deep feeling in my gut...and it's not a good one.

With the intensity of the training, we barely had time to enjoy ourselves...but it's okay. That's for after the World Cup.

As the time for the game arrives, the bus is thick with nerves. We're all silent, doing our own pre-game rituals as we watch the scenery go by. This is for our home. We have to do well...we can't disappoint them. I sigh as I lean on Ellie's shoulder, watching out the window. I feel her warm hand snake to mine, taking hold of it as she smiles at me. It's a genuine smile, but you can see the slight nervousness within her eyes. I smile back, trying my best to reassure her by offering her a peck on the lips. It seems to do the trick as she grins widely, squeezing my hand as we return to staring out the window.


The cheers are WILD. It's almost deafening as we finish warmups and head into the locker rooms. It only made us more excited, but more nervous. The expectations of the country on our shoulders. That didn't stop Steph from playing Strawberry Kisses and for us all to sing along. I looked at the team I now call a second family, feeling myself grin widely at the sight of us being so goofy, minutes before playing the game of our career.

Sam steps up, the music going quiet as she addresses us all.

"Alright team. We know how tough this team is. Most of us know some people from the team too...but that doesn't mean we don't have a fighting chance. We are skilled, we are strong, and we are home. This is our home, and we will do anything to fight for the win. No matter the outcome, this will be the best result Australia has ever seen, a new place in history for the Tillies. So I say, let's go out there, do our best, and play for Australia!" She shouts.

We all shout along, cheering as we gear up. The starting 11 being Macca as the goalie, Ellie, Clare, Polks and Steph as the defenders, then Hayley, Mini, Kyra, Caitlin, Mary and Sam. I'm set on subbing possibly halfway into the game alongside Alycia, depending on how the game goes.


The match was an extremely tough one. With us basically fighting to even the score out right from the start. It was done through one of Sam's amazing goals, but unfortunately, not long later, Lauren Hemp got past most of our defence, getting past Ellie and scoring a goal. The England team cheered, but I could see Ellie's face fall as she realised she had made one small mistake, causing us to lose our lead.

It was a small mistake, but everyone makes mistakes. It was under pressure and she was the only defender in the area. It's completely understandable. A bit later, I sub in for Hayley, making sure to give Ellie's shoulder a squeeze before heading back into position to start the game again.

My gut feeling was right...this game is not going well.


The game finishes with yet another goal to the England team, resulting in a 3-1 win for England. We shake hands, but with heavy hearts as we see the winning trophy slip out of our grasps.

Sam faces the team, offering her smile as we lift our heads, waving to fans, making sure to make our place memorable as even though we lost, it is the furthest we've ever gotten. I wave to fans, plastering a smile onto my face as we walk around to sign shirts and take selfies. It feels like a blur, but all too soon, we're back in the locker room.

The air is silent, a sense of sadness and longing in the air as we pack up to leave. I spot Ellie sitting at her cubby, eyes empty as she stares into space. She's been like this since the game ended...it hurts to see her like this. I can tell the others have noticed too, because some of them would stop by her cubby to say a few encouraging words or pat her back. None of which seemed to change her mood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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