-Chapter 7: Princess-

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(A/N: I love both Ellie and Sam so that pic makes me happy 😃)

It's not long before day turns into night and all the newly arriving Tillies head to bed to recover from their jetlag.

I'm also beginning to feel tired as I watch the remaining girls aggressively play UNO. "Hah! Take that!" Alycia shouts as she places a +4 card for Sam. Sam groans, picking up 4 cards before shooting the girl a glare. "You dare do that to your team captain?" She asks. "That holds no power in the world of Uno." Alycia replies, grinning.

Ellie places down a change colour card, grinning as she speaks. "First off, Uno! Second off, green." Immediately, the whole circle band together in an attempt to stop Ellie from winning. "Change the colour!" Hayley shouts. "I can't! I don't have the right cards!" Steph replies, placing a simple green card down. "Change it!" Steph shouts at Macca, who panics as she looks through her cards. "I cant!" She shouts back, picking a new card for herself.

I'm not even playing at this point, I bowed out last round because I could barely focus. I'm sitting between Sam and Ellie, able to see both their cards but promised not to tell. Sam had plenty of cards, but Ellie had one single green card left. As literal chaos surrounds me, I feel my eyes slip close as my head falls, resulting in me doing that thing where you wake up, panicked cause you thought you were falling off a cliff.

The others, being too focused on changing the colour, didn't notice, but with Ellie and Sam beside me, they did. "You want to go up first?" Sam asks, concern in her eyes. "I'm not tired, so I might stay down a bit longer, maybe catch Kristie later." She adds on. "Maybe later." I mumble, smiling lazily at her. "I'll head up with you after this round." Ellie says, making me look at her. "You don't have to. It's fine." I say as she shakes her head. "It's alright. I'm getting tired anyways." She says. I nod, yawning as I let my head droop down slightly.

"YES! Hah!" I hear Alycia say, making me assume she successfully changed the colour. I hear Ellie chuckle from beside me, picking a card a second later before the group go back into a more manageable volume as they banter with each other. A second later, I feel an arm wrap around me, pulling me so that my head falls onto their shoulder. I open my eyes, looking up slightly to see blonde hair before Ellie turns her head to meet my eyes. "I'll wake you when we're done." She says, smiling sweetly before I smile back, nodding slightly and letting my eyes fall close.


"That's so cute." A muffled voice speaks. "Shush, you're waking her." The familiar strong accented voice says.

I yawn, opening my eyes to see everyone still in their same positions, except Macca was shuffling the cards. "Rounds over." Ellie says, watching as I lift my head from her shoulder, blinking a few times. "You looked pretty comfortable over there." Alycia says, grinning. "I'm tired." I mumble, my voice hazy from being asleep. "Let's get you to bed." Ellie says, standing and holding a hand for me. I grin, taking the hand and letting her lift me to my feet. "Night guys! See you tomorrow." Ellie says as I throw a wave over my shoulder. We hear them reply, along with a comment from Sam. "I thought you said you'd take her out for dinner first!"

Ellie rolls her eyes, ignoring Sam as we walk to the lifts again. "What's got you so tired?" She asks, tilting my head. "I'm gonna assume it's because I woke up early today. I'm not an early riser." I say. Ellie laughs, shaking her head as we arrive at our floor. The ride is a comfortable silence before we walk down the hallway.

As we arrive at my door, Ellie turns to me, smiling softly. "Go get some sleep. Gotta be at your best tomorrow for training." I nod, my hair falling over my face. Ellie lifts a hand, putting my hair behind my ears as I flush, staring into her eyes. She stares back, neither of us moving for a beat before she clears her throat. "Got your key?" She asks. I pull it out of my back pocket, grinning before I unlock my door.

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