-Chapter 8: Lyon-

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We arrive at the canteen, watching as they girls laugh like crazy as if it is the last time they'll see everyone. "Gosh, it sounds so nice in the UK." Alycia says to Hayley as she grins. "Yeah, but I'm thinking about moving. Maybe somewhere else in Europe." She says, making Alycia nod. "I hope to leave Australia. Maybe in our next transfer season since my contract with Sydney FC ends this year." Alycia says before she notices Ellie and I.

"Hey, lovebirds. Welcome back." She teases, making a few other girls turn towards us. "We were just talking about our clubs." Mary says, grinning. "It's been amazing to be in Manchester City now. A nice change of scenery." She adds. "Where do you plan to go? If you're leaving Sydney. We heard that your contracts are ending this year." Alannah says, taking a sip of whatever drink she's holding.

Alycia turns to me, a small smile on her face. "Well, we've both thought about the UK. Ever since we were children." She says, grinning. "Yeah, but I'm also thinking about Europe." I say, making Alycia look at me. "Since when?" She asks. Not in a bad way, just curious. She glances behind me at where Ellie stands, putting her chin on my shoulder. "Nevermind. Ignore my question." Alycia says before changing questions. "Which team?"

"Well, actually, Aly, I'm not going to go back to Sydney for the off season." I tell her. I expected confusion, or worry, maybe even anger. But instead, I got a sigh of relief.

"Well, I can't say I was expecting that, but I was going to tell you the same thing." Alycia says. "I'm probably going with Hayley back to the UK." She tells me, smiling at the girl in question. Okay, at this point, it's so obvious they're into each other. They never said they're dating, but it's obvious...really obvious.

"I was actually thinking you'd come with me to explore the UK and maybe even get an apartment together." Alycia says, a little sad now. "Sorry, Alycia. I know that was our plan for a while." I say. I feel horrible for disappointing her. She's been by my side since we were babies.

I feel Ellie squeeze my arm a little, making me remember the life I did have planned for the next 3 months. "We'll always be on the Matildas together." I say, making Alycia nod. "So, where were you planning on going then?" She asks, tilting her head. "Actually, I'm going to France. Lyon specifically." I say.

Almost immediately, everyone looked at Ellie. "And yes, I'm going with Ellie. I'll be living at her apartment anyways." I say. The girls all look at each other now, grins forming. "Oh shut up." Ellie says, laughing. "I made arrangements for Y/N to join my team for training sometimes. Hopefully it'll open up an opportunity for her to get transferred." Ellie adds.

The other girls immediately talk about how great it is for her to do that and everything, but I just went to Alycia, hugging her. "UK and France aren't thaaaaat far. At least the time differences won't be horrible." I say. Alycia laughs, nodding. "That's true. We wouldn't be able to stick together forever. Not all clubs want the Alycia-Y/N duo." She says. I laugh, making sure to hug her tightly before letting go.

I look over all the girls. The girls I have learnt to call my second family. The girls I'll see every year no matter what.


Ellie and Hayley followed Alycia and I back to Sydney to pack our things. Just a few boxes for the 3 months. It was emotional, but it was definitely a fresh start for both of us. At the airport, Alycia and Hayley part ways with Ellie and I. I hugged Alycia so tightly that Ellie and Hayley had to drag us apart when Alycia's flight started boarding. My flight was an hour after theirs, so we said our goodbyes and I watched as my best friend walked onto the plane that'll take her miles away from me for the first time in ages.

I felt tears roll down my cheek, and Ellie wiped them off my face, pulling me into a hug. "Oh, Princess." She said, hugging me until my sobs turned into sniffles. "Let's get some ice cream and chocolate." She said, leading me to a nearby shop.

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