-Chapter 17: Aaaand we're back!-

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Another month or so passes and it's almost time for us to head back to Australia for the July training before the World Cup...which also means the 23 player squad is going to be revealed soon. It's nerve wracking, for sure, but with all the training I've done with Lyon and all, I think I've done the best I can to get myself into the squad.

My suitcase is open in the room as I stare at the closet for clothes to bring. Well, our closet. In the end, my belongings migrated into the master bedroom with Ellie's and the guest room has basically been vacated. Maybe one or two of my old nick nacks are still inside.

I'm on a call with Alycia as pack, making sure to angle the phone so it doesn't reveal the room I'm in. Ellie is out with a few members of the team doing those interviews they have to do before the world cup. She's going to be back in an hour or so, thus, I decided to begin my packing while she's not there. "Where's Ellie?" Alycia asks as she stares at me through the screen. "Out and about. At interviews." I say, grabbing a shirt and lifting it up to stare at it for a second. "Where's Hayley?" I ask, folding the shirt back up and tossing it into my suitcase. "Out and about. Actually no, she's buying takeaway for dinner." Alycia says, smiling at the thought.

Hayley and Alycia actually revealed their relationship to the girls two weeks ago. It was painfully obvious, but we all still smiled and couldn't stop after they did tell us. In fact, they accidentally revealed it when Alycia was on a group call with us and Hayley got home, not realising she was in a call and pecking Alycia on the lips. The funny part was that Alycia didn't even think anything of it until we all gasped in shock. Only then did she blush and stammer as Hayley glanced at the screen and realised what happened.

After that, Ellie and I had the conversation about our own relationship, deciding that we would probably tell a few close ones such as Alycia, Sam, Steph and Hayley first after we get back to camp. It wasn't that we don't trust the other girls, we just didn't want to make it a big thing right before the team of 23 and the world cup happens. Saves the team the need to be careful of what they're saying and posting in interviews and posts.

"When's your flight?" Alycia asks, tapping on her phone. "In two days. Saturday." I say, making a face as I see a pair of pants that I thought I lost. "It's an overnight flight, so we'll probably sleep the whole way" I add. She nods, opening her mouth to say something when I hear the door opening from her side of the call. "Hey, babe." Alycia says as she grins. A few seconds later, Hayley appears on screen and kisses Alycia's forehead. "Hi. Hi, Y/N." She says as she grins at the camera. "Hey, Ras." I say, smiling back. "When's our flight?" Alycia asks her, tilting her head slightly. "Sunday morning." Hayley replies as I hear rustling from their side. "Alright." Alycia says before her face lights up. "Are those tacos?" She asks, grinning widely as I assume Hayley nods. "Gotta go, Y/N. Tacos are my favourite." She says, holding her phone as she walks to what I assume is the dining table. "I know, Lycia...Alright, see you soon." I say, smiling before we end the call.

Ellie returns soon after and we eat our own dinner, talking about her busy day and packing more before falling asleep together. This is how things tend to go now. It is a nice constant which I wouldn't trade for anything.

Half the time I still don't believe that I'm dating Ellie Carpenter.

Yet I am.



The flight came and went quickly. Me falling asleep on Ellie's shoulder and Ellie munching away on snacks while binge watching a random show from the plane selections. Thus, waking up when we had to eat always resulted in me being groggy and silently eating while Ellie giggled at me. I'd then share a dual headset with Els and watch whatever weird ass show she's watching ...which turned out to be a french show. So I understood about ¼ of it. Obviously, I forced my girlfriend to explain some things, but again, that was until I fell asleep again.

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