-Chapter 14: The Confession-

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We pack up and drive home in joy. The two of us unable to stop grinning, the smiles only getting wider every time we look at each other. I pull my phone out, clicking on the picture I took right as we left the field with the lights on, empty with the moon shining in the back. I post it on my story, captioning the picture with 'Late night games, even better with you <3'

I made sure Ellie was alright with it, which she was, before posting it. We don't care what people think or say about our relationship. We're not commenting on anything. Not until we sort out exactly what we are first, and only then will we address it in the form of announcing a relationship.

At home, we do our routine. Showers, some snacks before we head to bed. We walk down the hallway, stopping in front of my room as she turns to look at me. She smiles softly, looking into my eyes. "Goodnight, Princess." She says before looping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a light kiss. I smile into it before pulling away. "Goodnight, Ellie." I reply. With that, I depart into my room, closing the door softly behind me before jumping around like a child.

I can't believe that happened.
I feel like a kid opening their christmas present.
As I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling, my thoughts run wild, all revolving around one single person. Ellie Carpenter.


The next week was the same old routine.

We wake up, eat breakfast and head in for training for the day. During training, Ellie and I would always pair up when we can and tease each other all the time. Sure, it earned a few stares. Especially from a certain number 17. But overall, the team seems to notice it, but not mention anything.

We hadn't made anything official yet, but every night we would cuddle together on the couch for a movie. Sometimes we'd fall asleep together on the couch, sometimes we would walk to our rooms, making sure to give each other a goodnight kiss before we went to sleep.We also definitely got caught together more than a few times.

Except, these times we were actually on dates together. But they didn't have to know that. Sammy and Alycia have caught wind of how happy we've both become, but they seem to chalk it up to the fact we live together now and have a growing crush on each other, not knowing it's slightly more than that.

Now, we're at the end of training and about to head into a weekend. "Remember girls, we have a game on Tuesday. Saturday is your day off. Sunday and Monday we're gonna be training." Sonia says, putting a smile on her face. We cheer, disband and head for the lockers. I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand, grimacing at it. "Here." I hear someone say. I turn my head to see Daan holding out a towel for me. Instead of the usual scowl or emotionless expression, Daan dons a smile this time. I take the towel, thanking her before wiping my forehead.

"You did well today." She says, walking with me towards the building. I can see Ellie glancing over from where she was walking with Lindsey Horan. She shoots me a concerned look, but I shake my head, dismissing it. "Thanks. You did too." I say back, offering her a smile. She glances at my eye, frowning a little. "How is your eye? I'm sorry about that." She says, looking to the ground. "It's alright." I reply. I can't tell if Daan is being nice for a good or bad reason.

"Look. Daan. Why are you suddenly being so nice?" I ask directly. No point in beating around the bush. If she hates me, it's better to know than ignore it. "I wanted to...apologise." She says. "For...?" I question, slightly confused. "Trying to get between you and Ellie." She says. I tilt my head, raising an eyebrow. "I can see that you two enjoy each other's company. Whether it is romantic or not." She continues, looking at me again. "I thought I still had feelings for Ellie. I really did love her...but I realise now that I just didn't like the idea that Ellie could be happy with someone else while I'm still stuck on the idea of being with her." She says.

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