𝟹: 𝙸𝚝 𝙰𝚒𝚗'𝚝 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛

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The next day...

Sunday | 12:06 p.m.
April 26, 2020

𝙾𝚖𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝Dianna stood in the mirror of her home snapping photos after returning from getting a new hairstyle

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Dianna stood in the mirror of her home snapping photos after returning from getting a new hairstyle. After breaking up with Kyaire yesterday, she felt a sense of relief from not having to worry about pleasing someone else and being on her "best behavior" out of respect for him and the relationship. However, there was also a sense of anxiety looming over her because she wasn't sure that Kyaire would just let her end it like that.

She'd been thinking of ending the relationship for a while now but the feeling of being desired the way he desired her made it hard to cut ties. It was easier for her to deal with someone in prison. She didn't have to be under him 24/7 or communicate because she knew he couldn't be on his secret phone 24/7. Not having to be around Kyaire made keeping her secret about being transgender easier.

She'd dated other guys who weren't locked up but they didn't treat her like she was the only one who mattered. Those guys knew she was transgender but it seemed like because they knew they didn't value or see her as a woman. Kyaire did. It was why she couldn't bring herself to tell him she hadn't been born a biological woman. Now they'd gotten too deep into this for her to tell him the truth especially since she saw what type of man he was. If she told him now and he wasn't the type who was into that he'd most likely have her killed for leading him on.

Dianna put her phone down on the island counter and then opened the refrigerator to grab a soda. The moment she turned around, she jumped at the sight of AK and Noon standing there.

"Oh my God!" She placed her hand over her chest as she looked back and forth between them. "Muthafuckas don't knock anymore? How the fuck did you two get in my house?"

"That's beside the point." Noon said. "Here." He held his hand out to give her his cellphone. She stared at it wild-eyed before looking back into his eyes. AK walked over to her and took the soda out of her hand, opening and drinking some before taking a seat at the island.

"We don't like having to make house calls and he doesn't like having to reach you this way so take it." Noon said. Dianna sucked her teeth and snatched the phone from him before walking around him. She headed across the room toward the front door while Noon raided her refrigerator.

"Hello?" She said with attitude over the phone.

"You done being dramatic?" Kyaire asked.

Dianna pinched the bridge of her nose for a few seconds before placing her hand on her hip. "I'm not doing this with you. You can't even respect my privacy. No way in hell did you have these fools break in my house. What the fuck Ky?"

"You got privacy now? With me baby there is no privacy. You're my woman so I need to know wassup at all times. Now I let you get away with that lil dramatic shit yesterday. Let's wrap that shit up now."

Dianna scoffed at how delusional he was choosing to be as she watched his boys make sandwiches and open up a bag of her favorite chips. "Um put my shit the fuck down." She told Noon as she barged across the room and snatched her chips out of his hand.

"Get the fuck out of my house." She frowned looking back and forth between him and AK. AK eyed her as if he took her as a joke while chewing the big bite he'd just taken from his sandwich. It was clear that he wasn't much of a talker. This was the third time they'd come to her house and Noon always did most of the talking. He was intimidating but AK's silence was much more scarier because it was a fact that the "quiet" ones weren't to be fucked with.

Noon looked at her and chuckled before walking around her with his sandwich and taking a seat at the island next to AK.

"Ky tell these folks to get the fuck out," Dianna whined as she made her way out of the kitchen and headed to her bedroom to speak privately. "You can't keep doing this to me. When I look up I shouldn't have to see them here as if they're my watchers. This isn't how a relationship is supposed to be. The way you talk to me is one reason why I broke up with you but this is the other reason. I can't— no I refuse to do this. Just stop it." She took a seat on her bed.

"Check this out..." Kyaire cleared his throat. "I get out in two days for—"

"Excuse me?" Dianna questioned as the hairs on the back of her neck stood. As far as she knew he had a year left. At least that was what he'd told her. Had he lied? Was he escaping and wanted her to help him? So many thoughts ran through her mind. She knew the first thing he'd want to do was see her and sleep with her. They'd exchanged dirty photos and talked about all the things they'd do to each other once he was released but now that day was almost...here? Two days? Dianna could've shitted bricks.

"I got an overnight furlough." He said.

"Um..." Dianna stood and started pacing as she bit her nails. "Meaning what exactly?"

"I'll be out for seven days unsupervised to be with my family. I can't drink, smoke, hang with my boys because they're still involved in some illegal shit, etc. but my lady? I can't wait to finally see you somewhere outside these prison walls. I've been trying to surprise your difficult ass."

"Surprise me? How is talking to me crazy trying to surprise me? Now that we're no longer together you wanna drop this bomb on me?" Dianna continued to pace.

"Why do you keep saying we're done?" Kyaire questioned.

"Because we are? I'm happy that you get to get out to spend time with your family and I pray you stay out of trouble and don't flee the state but that doesn't mean we're back together. Take this time to spend with your mother. She misses you. All she ever talks about is you getting out."

"She misses me huh? Not you? You haven't visited in a while, you don't send me pictures anymore, barely answer my calls, and now you ending shit. You say it ain't another nigga in the picture but I think it is. It doesn't matter. I'll find out when I get out and come see you. I'll also see if you can look me in the face and tell me we're done. See you soon my love." Kyaire ended the call.

"Oh shit." Dianna plopped down on the bed as her breathing picked up. "Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit." She said quickly.

It was bad enough she'd been ignoring Shanti's calls until she could figure out how to handle that situation. Now her prison ex-boyfriend had just dropped a major bomb on her about getting out for a week. Dianna couldn't help but think that maybe she should've been the one fleeing the state.

• •

The chapters will start being longer. Just trying to get a feel of y'all and if you're reading it.

Bye 🙃🏃🏽‍♀️

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