a mess of health - ot4

485 9 2

TW// vomiting


lately, luke has been disappearing to go to bars, clubs, or parties. he drinks until he can't stand straight, which leads to someone calling one of the other three band members to bring him home. sometimes they just let luke stay there, wherever 'there' is. if he wants to act like that, then he can suffer the consequences.

his behavior and attitude has also been different. he's snippy, locks himself in his room, doesn't bother to contribute to conversations or spend time with his boyfriends. they thought luke was going through a rough patch, no matter how much the blonde denied it. however, it still did not excuse his behavior.

luke doesn't talk, he doesn't want to talk. therefore they can't help him. the excuse is always "just having a bad day." how many bad days can you have until it's inexcusable? this behavior has been going on for almost two weeks now.

this time had been enough for ashton, calum and michael.

a celebration was in order for the release of their new single. luke had to throw a party. the house was packed with people in a matter of an hour. friends and friends of friends were all scattered inside and outside. the kitchen quickly grew a mess of spilt drinks, melting ice and whatever snacks were available. cans, bottles, and solo cups littered the counters and tables.

the party was bordering hour three when the trio had enough. the music was shut off and they ushered people out the door. the house was a mess and they had no intention on cleaning it themselves. this is all luke's doing, therefore his problem.

the blonde is currently whining, nursing a cup of some mixer. "we were having so much fun! why'd you stop?" his whines were ignored at first, but then he just would not shut up. he was close to tears by this point.

ashton had finally snapped. "we were not having fun. you and your 'friends' were the only ones having fun. we're fucking sick of this, luke. we're sick of your attitude and the way you've been acting."

luke's eyes are wide, not expecting the sudden outburst. his mouth opens and closes as he struggles to come up with what to say. "i-"

ashton sighs, rubbing his face with his hands. "we'll talk when you're sober." he doesn't look at luke again. calum only shakes his head and follows ashton back to the bedroom. michael smiles weakly, and it's filled with pity and disappointment. he goes after ashton and calum, the sound of the bedroom door shutting echoing in the house.

luke blinks, trying to comprehend what just happened in his drunken state. he sniffles and wipes at the few fallen tears. he doesn't deserve to cry. he doesn't get to be upset, he caused this.

he stumbles off to the couch that's littered with chip crumbs and spilt drinks. luke feels as if it's best if he crashes here tonight. both rooms are occupied, as they usually split up at night. four grown men cannot share a king sized bed, contrary to belief.

he shivers at the wet feeling of the cotton material. the half full cup of his drink is placed on the coffee table, making sure to place it on a coaster. ashton hates having water stains on the furniture.

the blanket sitting on top of the couch is abandoned. luke doesn't deserve the comfort of a blanket. he shivers, half because he's drunk and the other being the wet spots soaking into his clothes. he feels disgusting laying on the now filthy couch. he debates on sleeping on the floor, but it's far worse.

the sun is just peaking above the horizon by the time luke falls into a slumber.

calum shuffles into the living room, rubbing his eyes from just waking up. it's not abnormal that he's awake this early. he usually drinks a cup of coffee outside on the patio, enjoying the view of the sun rise.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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