and i liked it ➼ cake

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part two of 'i kissed a boy'


calum didn't come out of his room for a while after luke had left. the reaction from his mother scared him, and he spent most of his time trying to force himself to only be attracted to girls.

of course his parents weren't supportive of the lgbt. what was he thinking?

he'd cry himself to sleep because he felt so gross and disgusting. he kissed his best friend, and not only that, his parents caught them and now they're pissed. he felt so bad. luke hasn't made any sort of contact with him either and it kind of makes calum's heart hurt.

the only time calum would leave his room was when he had to use the bathroom, or to get a small snack. he didn't have the biggest appetite with everything going on.

occasionally, either his mom or dad would knock on his door, begging him to either come out or let them in. he never responded, he was scared to talk to them, or even face his parents.

forcing himself to be straight didn't feel good at all. it's not who he is, and he knows that. he wants to embrace the fact that he's bisexual (he later discovered this after spending hours on google), but the fear of not being accepted and being looked at as a disgusting human being scared him. he's still calum, he's still the same person, just now attracted to the same gender.

there was a knock on the door, and calum sighed. he paused his scrolling on his laptop to listen to his mom's pleas.

"calum please talk to me. i just want to understand what's going on. locking me and your father out isn't going to help. please, cal.."

yeah, he knows he shouldn't be locked up in his room but fear was a bitch.

he decided to let her in this time. he can't continue this forever. he has to see his parents some point. so why not now?

he unlocked his door, and when joy saw her son after a week, she couldn't help but to start crying. she wrapped her son in a hug, and hysterically cry into his shoulder.

"i'm so sorry baby, i'm so sorry."

calum felt a few tears fall down his cheeks. he's a momma's boy, and he hated hearing or seeing her cry. he hated to see her in pain or stressed. she deserved every good thing in this world.

he shushed her, and apologized quietly. he was starting to regret ever locking his mom out. she just wanted to help, to understand what is going on with him. after all, she saw her son kissing another boy and she was just so confused.

after she had stopped crying, they sat on calum's bed and were quiet for a moment.

"you wanna tell me what's going on?" joy asked quietly, placing her hand on top of calum's.

calum took a deep breath and squeezed her hand. "i... um... i'm bisexual."

joy looked at her son in confusion. "what's that?"

"it means i like girls... but i also like boys too." calum said in a hushed voice. his heart was pounding against his chest. fear was creeping up from his stomach and to his chest ever so slowly.

joy gasped. "oh baby..."

and calum prepared for the harsh words and slurs to be said to him. but they never came.

"that's okay baby... it's perfectly fine. i'm sorry you felt like you had to hide that from us." joy smiled sadly.

calum sighed in relief. this wasn't what he was expecting at all, but he's so happy about the reaction. he was expecting the worst and he got the complete opposite.

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