ashton, my best friend ➼ cashton

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"so what happened?" ashton asked, handing calum a cup of hot chocolate.

calum didn't respond, only sniffling and snuggling closer in the blanket that he was wrapped in when ashton first greeted him. he stared at the fireplace, memories of what happened just thirty minutes ago flashing in his head. he couldn't forget the hurtful words, and lastly the thing he thought his lover would never do.

calum choked on a sob, and ashton frowned, sitting next to him and pulled the boy into his chest. he gently rubbed his back, wanting to cry himself as calum's choked cries filled the room.

"calum, love, you need to talk to me okay? holding it all in isn't going to do you any good." ashton whispered.

calum only clutched ashton's shirt, letting out more pitiful cries. at this moment, he really didn't care how he looked. all he knew is that he needed to cry until he felt better, and maybe tell his best friend what happened.

best friend, sadly.

ashton sighed, continuing to comfort calum because that's all the boy needs. he needs comfort and reassurance that everything was going to turn out okay one day, that he would be okay again one day.

ashton waited until calum's cries turned into sniffles before speaking.

"are you good now?" he asked in a hushed voice, not wanting to make the boy cry again.

calum nodded, curling into ashton even more and let out a deep breath. "i'm okay." he said, his voice cracky and nasally.

"can you tell me what happened now? or do you need a little more time?" ashton asked, wanting to make sure that calum was okay with sharing the events that made him cry his eyes out.

calum nodded once again, sitting up and wrapped the blanket around him tighter. "we um, we got into a fight."

ashton nodded, figuring that's what happened.

calum fiddled with the loose strings on the blanket and sniffled. "we both said some awful things and i guess he just got too heated up so he um.." he trailed off, his voice cracking.

ashton raised an eyebrow, becoming angry at the thought of what calum's boyfriend, well now ex, did to him.

"h-he hit me.." calum said weakly, tears running down his cheeks.

ashton was silent. calum's ex boyfriend, ian, was a great guy, at least he thought he was. no man or woman hits their lover, or should ever hit their significant other. no matter how angry or upset they are, no hands should be thrown at each other in harmful ways.

"he's never going to touch you again, you hear me? if he comes anywhere near you i swear he'll never want to be around you ever again. you are welcomed to stay here as long as you like, but calum if he tries to contact you, you let me handle the situation. i promise i won't hurt him unless he tries to harm you or me." ashton affirmed.

calum nodded, instantly wrapping his arms around ashton. "thank you."

ashton hugged him back. "i'm always going to be here for you."

they were silent for a while, holding each other, wishing the moment wouldn't end. calum was the first one to break the hug, but kept his arms around ashton's neck. he played with the curls at the back of ashton's neck and sighed. "ashton?" he whispered.


calum's eyes flickered to ashton's lips, and back up to his hazel eyes. he slowly leaned in, giving ashton plenty of room and time to back out if he didn't want it.

calum's lips ghosted over ashton, and the curly haired boy tensed up. he looked into calum's eyes, muttering a 'fuck it' and crashed his lips against calum's.

calum relaxed, not being so tense from worry and nervousness.

ashton rubbed his hip with his thumb, enjoying the moment while it lasted because god he didn't want it to end.

calum was the first to pull away, resting his forehead on ashton and took small, deep breaths. ashton felt like he was dreaming, there's no way this was real right? he's waited for this for so long, and has dreams about this day, there's no way it's real right?

but his questions were answered when calum kissed him again, and ashton finally felt complete.


words: 722

yeah hi i updated after 50 years.

i'm still working on a cashton one shot, i have no clue when that's going to be finished. so until then, i'll try updating more.

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