lashton ➼ i gave you my heart

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this was it.

shy, innocent luke was going to ask out his best friend seconds before 2019 started. he wanted to start the new year with positive vibes, and good surroundings. ashton would be the very first positive about the new year. they were already friends, and ashton has been a bit flirty towards him.

at first, luke wasn't sure if this was a good idea. him and ashton have been friends since the beginning of middle school. even though they are complete opposites in school, they are very much alike outside of school.

luke started to crush on his best friend in his freshman year. ashton had made the football team, and luke went to his first game for support. before he was put on the team, luke was dealing with troubles with himself. he started to realize that not only did he find some of the girls cute, but boys as well.

ashton was the reason luke confirmed that he was bisexual.

after the game, ashton was hot and sweaty, and he had given luke a long hug once he got off the field. ashton took them to a ice cream shop as a victory treat, and that night was when luke discovered he had a crush on his best friend.

then, ashton started to act flirty towards him, which confused luke because ashton is the straightest guy he knows. but at the same time, he can't assume people's sexualities because of how they act.

after a year of suffering with this crush on ashton and the constant flirting, he finally managed to find the guts to ask out ashton. (with the help of his other best friend sierra. she threatened luke by saying she would shove a flip flop up his nostrils if he didn't ask ashton out).

currently, he was at ashton's house for the new year's party. ashton's parents agreed to let him have parties on new year's, but everyone had to leave by two in the morning. his parents would go out, leaving ashton with the responsibility of keeping everything clean, and not have anything break.

the house was booming with music, students from the high school either drinking in the kitchen, or dancing in the living room. the house wasn't too crowded, but it still struck up luke's anxiety.

ashton would constantly check up on luke, knowing how he was with crowds, big or small. luke would assure him he was fine, but now the longer he stood with people swarmed in the house, the more anxious he became.

he looked for ashton, hoping his best friend would come and check on him now so luke didn't look like a party pooper. he wasn't a party person at all, but since this was ashton's house, it was acceptable.

to his luck, he saw ashton pushing past people and luke sighed in relief. the cup that held his water has been crushed for the past ten minutes, and water was on the floor. he didn't even realize the mess until ashton had grabbed his arm, and looked at him with concern.

"are you okay?"

luke shook his head and immediately ashton drug him outside. once they were outside, luke felt like he could breathe properly again. his hands were still shaking slightly, and he tried his best to calm down his nerves.

"luke, hey, it's okay. its just you and me, no one else." ashton assured, placing both of his hands on luke's shoulders.

luke breathes out shakily. "me and you."

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