blind date | cake

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calum was going to kill michael, absolutely obliterate the man. he's made ten different ways to torture michael by the time he reached his destination. why is he so angry at michael, you may ask? the idiot set him up on a blind date, without him knowing. and what was michael's excuse? "you're annoying as fuck. i'm doing this so you can get laid or whatever."

if calum wanted to get laid, he'd go to a club. not go on a damn blind date. what if this person is a creep? what if calum is putting himself in a vulnerable position? how does michael know this person isn't catfishing? because according to michael, this person is "hot as fuck".

calum doesn't know if this person is a guy, girl, or non-binary. though he doesn't mind not knowing. he's open to dating anyone, regardless of their gender identity. he prefers to be unlabeled.

the meet of choice is at a restaurant. calum personally dislikes first dates at restaurants. what if the person thinks he's a messy eater? does he smack without realizing it? he hates restaurants as a first date as much as going to the movie theater. how are you supposed to get to know each other while watching a movie in public?

mikey: they're aren't there just yet. running a bit late. go ahead and get a table.

calum groans. great, now he has to sit alone in public?

calum: exactly how late?

mikey: 10 minutes. just chill my guy. i can sense your nerves from all the way over here.

calum doesn't bother to respond to that text. of course he's nervous. he has to sit alone for 10 minutes, hoping that he won't be stood up. he could have just said no to all of this, but michael insisted. "c'mon, live a little." if living a little is going on a date with a stranger, calum would hate to know what else michael thinks.

he sat in a booth, thankfully. booth seats are the best seats. if anyone disagrees, they are automatically wrong. there's few things calum with argue about. this is one of the few.

he orders a spiked lemonade along with a glass of water, just to get the edge off his nerves. his hands are clammy and he has to constantly wipe them on his jeans. is he dressed too casual? are jeans and a nice t-shirt counted as too casual, or date casual? he gulps down about 1/4 of the water when it arrives.

mikey: they have arrived ;))))

calum takes a sip of the lemonade at that message. if he's going to go through with this, he just needs this bit of alcohol to calm himself. he curses himself when he realizes he's sat on the opposite side of the door. he won't be able to see who comes up to the table. that only fuels his nerves. he takes another sip of the lemonade.

he doesn't realize he's held his breath when a person walks up to his table. " are you calum?" the person asks, shifting on their feet nervously.

calum almost chokes on his drink. holy shit was michael right about one thing. is this a prank? where's the camera crew hiding? he almost forgets to respond. "y-yeah."

the person sits down and lets out a breath. "oh my god, i'm so sorry for being late. i couldn't figure out what i wanted to wear because i really wanted to impress you. when michael sent me a picture of you, i honestly couldn't believe how beautiful you were, well are." they pause after realizing their rambling. "um, i'm luke."

no, this definitely isn't a prank. it's a damn dream.

"calum." he introduces, but cringes inwardly. "but you already knew that."

his date is actually hot, but calum would personally say pretty. pale skin, curly short blonde hair, blue eyes, a pixie nose, pink plump lips, and freckles across the nose and cheeks.

"you're really pretty." calum blurts, his eyes widening as a blush formed across his face.

the blonde looks flustered, their pale skin turning a pretty shade of pink. "oh, well, thank you. you are too." they smile, and dear god calum almost slides down to the floor. would it be appropriate to propose right now?

"so what are your pronouns?" calum asks after he collects himself.

"he, him." luke responds.

"me too." calum says, not sure how else to reply.

the waitress returned, filling the awkward silence to take luke's drink order. the blonde ordered a strawberry margarita with a glass of water. he too needed something to calm his nerves. calum was just so damn beautiful.

after finding something to talk about, their conversation flowed easily. they talked about their family, favorite food, movies, tv shows, deserts, anything you typically talk about on a first date. or at least to their knowledge of 'typical'.

it felt like ten hours of conversing, but it had only been close to two hours. calum learnt luke was a family guy. he's close to his family and hopes to have his own in the future. luke's favorite color is baby blue, his favorite tv show is vampire diaries, and he thoroughly enjoys horror and thriller movies. it was quite a surprise to calum. luke seemed like a romance or comedy kind of person. he doesn't complain though, as he likes the same.

the evening comes to a close, but neither want to separate. so after waiting another hour for the alcohol to clear out of their system, they set off to their local ice cream shop. it may be cliché, but calum didn't have the heart to tell luke 'no' when the pretty boy asked.

they argued over which was the best classic ice cream, but ended not coming to an agreement. it was all fun, though to others it may have seemed like a true fight. calum and luke are both passionate about their opinions, whether they are silly or not.

"would you want a family one day?" luke asks, stirring his melted ice cream in the cup.

"i don't know, honestly." calum pauses, and he can sense luke holding his breath. "i've thought about it. i just don't know if i'd be a good dad." he admitted.

luke frowns. he places his hand over calum's. "just from the few hours we've spent, i can tell you'd be a great dad." calum smiles lightly, grasping luke's fingers. "thank you."

they intertwine their hands for the first time that night, not letting go until it was time to leave. both truly had a great time. calum was still going to torture michael, but not as much as he originally planned. luke is like a first breath. he's the smallest, but brightest flower in a garden. he smells of a warm vanilla. calum wanted to hold him and never let go.

"i hope to see you again." luke whispers, rubbing calum's 'jkh' tattoo on his hand. he learnt it was his mother's initials, his father's initials on his other hand.

"you say that like we're in a forbidden love." calum laughs, causing luke to blush and mutter 'shut up'.

"but i hope to see you again, too." calum says after a moment of silence.

"i'm pretty awesome aren't i?" luke jokes, smiling so wide his teeth show. "yes, you are." calum mutters, facing luke. they're leaned against luke's blue nissan, taking in their night.

luke blushes again, his eyes shifting to the ground. "i was just joking." he whispers, taken aback by calum's compliment.

calum lifts luke's head by his chin, forcing the blonde beauty to look at him. he leans forward, and luke's eyes flutter close. he normally doesn't kiss on the first date, but he wouldn't mind this time.

however, calum kisses the corner of his mouth, letting his lips linger on the skin before pulling away. "maybe i'll kiss you on out next date." he whispers, smirking at luke's flustered expression. luke nods quickly with eagerness. calum laughs and steps away from his date.

they exchange numbers and bid each other goodnight, no matter how difficult it was to part. calum gets in his car with a dopey smile. he relishes in his night with luke, his eyes crinkling as he smile grows wider. he wonders if luke is doing the same.

mikey: did u fuck

nope, moment ruined.

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