i'll be there for you ➼ mashton

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tw: mentions of self harm, bullying (not sure if that's a tw but i'm playing it safe)

michael was determined to make today a good one. he wasn't going to cry, or let anyone's mean words get to him. he was going to keep his head held up high and show the school that no one could hurt him now.

but that plan backfired immediately when his mom snapped at him, complaining he couldn't do anything right.

all he did was accidentally drop a glass cup, it's not like he purposely did it.

her words stung a bit. his mom was always nice to him. what happened to make her so angry this morning?

michael tried shrugging it off, getting his mind off of it by playing music on his phone in his car. he drove to school, waiting for the last song to end. there's no way he was going to not finish wings by little mix. (don't judge either, it's not his fault he has a great taste in music).

he walked inside, going straight to his locker to put some folders and books up. he waited, looking for his boyfriend, ashton, frowning when he didn't see him as the bell rung.

he walked to his first period, thinking maybe he just woke up late, or he has a appointment. shortly after doing his bellringer, he got a text from ashton.

ashton ❤︎: hey baby, i'm not going to be at school today. mom is sick and can't babysit jessy today so i am. i'll see you after school, i love you and have a great day xx

michael frowned. he really wanted a hug from his boyfriend, because no one else has a hug like him. he just kinda wraps you up like a little burrito, and he's always warm, no matter what the weather is.

michael: oh, okay. i love you too, have fun! xx

now he was really determined to have a good day. all by himself.

he could do it.. right?

yeah, he can do it.


like this morning, the plan backfired once again. he had a test in his math class, and not only was he bad at it, he was the last one to turn it in and could feel the glares at him and hear the groans from students only because the teacher said if everyone finished the test early, they could watch a movie. that didn't happen since michael took pretty much the whole class period to take it.

so the whole class was mad at michael and he could already feel the embarrassment and sadness creeping in.

once the bell rung, he went straight to the cafeteria. he didn't eat the school food, or really eat food at all. his appetite wasn't big most of the time, but he always ate lunch and dinner. his stomach just couldn't handle breakfast at such a god early hour.

he took out a snack size of cheese its from his book bag and began eating those while he read a book. since he didn't have ashton to keep him company, he could catch up on his book that he hasn't read for a few weeks.

"hey michael, where's your boyfriend?"

michael sighed, ignoring the voice he knows way too well.

"hey bitch i'm talking to you." michael felt his shoulder being jerked back, and he spun around with wide eyes.

"i-i'm not a b-bitch." michael whispered.

"what did you say?" seth hissed.

michael looked up, giving seth a glare. "i said i'm not a bitch."

seth was fuming, and michael was beginning to regret his words as the boy dragged him out of the cafeteria by his shirt collar.


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