care for you ➼ cashton

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the moment calum came inside looking stressed, ashton knew his boyfriend needed some comfort and love. the poor boy has been working extra shifts so they could have extra money. they're not necessarily broke, or poor, but they are low on money and need to pay for past bills that they haven't been able to pay for.

the last few months have been a huge struggle for them. ashton was desperate to get out of his house because he couldn't handle being the 'disappointing son' anymore. he felt like he could never do anything right, and was always criticized for his choices and actions, even if they were good (which 99% of the time they were).

calum was planning to move out of his parent's house anyways. he wanted to live closer to his job, so they bought an apartment together. they were doing great money wise during the first few months of living in the apartment. but then calum's hours were cut down, some of his work days were taken away, and ashton was fired from his job because he had defended himself from a costumer who was saying not so nice things about him.

now calum was working two jobs, and ashton was struggling to find another job that will hire him. he hasn't had any lucky lately, and it frustrates him. what was so wrong about defending himself?

calum look exhausted, and was blinking slowly as he walked towards the couch, where ashton was sitting. he plopped down, and placed his head on his boyfriend's lap. he smiled weakly and ashton returned the gesture. calum sighed and closed his eyes, humming as ashton combed his fingers through his knotted hair. pulling his hair is a bad stress habit calum has, and ashton tries to help him stop. they try other things to do when calum's stressed.

ashton didn't say anything for a while. he enjoyed the silence, and the soft humming coming from calum. they stayed in that position for a moment before ashton kissed calum's forehead and stopped running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

"why don't we get you a shower, love? the hot water will relax your muscles." ashton says quietly, trying not to disturb calum's peace.

"okay." calum says quietly, slowly sitting up and letting ashton hold his hand, and guide him to the bathroom.

although he's the more dominant one in the relationship, there are days where he needs ashton to comfort and love him. there are days where he just doesn't feel well and craves ashton's attention and love. like today, he's wanted nothing but to just cuddle ashton and lay in bed with him.

ashton grabbed two towels and two wash clothes from the hall closest before leading calum into the bathroom. he set the towels on the closed toilet seat and started the water.

he turned to calum and rugged on the bottom of his shirt. "arms up baby."

calum raised his arms up, allowing ashton to slip the white t-shirt off of him. he did the same for ashton, and they both undressed each other until they were stripped from all of their clothing.

ashton turned the shower head on, and felt the water to make sure it was the right temperature before gently pushing calum inside.

calum tiredly slumped against the wall, allowing the warm water to flow down his sore back and shoulders. his head rested on the cool tiles, and he sighed. he wishes he could feel this relaxed all the time.

"we gotta wet your hair baby." he heard ashton say soothingly, his hands massaging his shoulders gently.

calum just hummed in reply, keeping his eyes closed as his boyfriend moved him under the shower head. his hair immediately became soaked and heavy. he needs to get a haircut soon, but that can wait later.

he was suddenly moved away from the water, and he snapped his eyes open.

"i'm sorry love, i didn't mean to scare you. just relax." ashton said quickly, guilt lacing in his voice.

"s' okay." calum mumbled, groaning in pleasure as ashton's hands lathered the shampoo into his hair.

he heard ashton laugh quietly, and only continued combing his hands through calum's hair.

calum was in pure bliss. he was so incredibly in love with ashton, and was so thankful for him.

after they finished their shower, ashton wrapped him in a fluffy towel and lead him to their shared bedroom.

he dug through their drawers, taking out boxers and sweatpants. ashton quickly dressed himself before carefully dressing calum in the clothing. he wasn't sure if calum was sleeping or not, but he didn't want to disturb his peace.

he tucked calum into the blanket, and turned out the light in the room. he laid beside calum and wrapped his arms around his waist, making him the little spoon. (which was honestly calum's favorite. he preferred being the little spoon).

"i love you calum," ashton whispered, leaving soft kisses on the back of his neck.

"i love you too." calum whispered back, slowly falling into a deep slumber.


words: 850

i'm so sorry for not updating in a while. i haven't had any inspiration to write any one shots. i'm currently writing a mashton one shot, but i literally can't remember what it was about so i'm probably going to have to trash it :(












































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