new fashion statement ➼ cake

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luke thought the whole "a real man wouldn't paint their nails, grow out their hair, and wear girly clothes" was absolute bullshit.

he always found a liking to painted nails, long hair, and silk long sleeved shirts. it took him a while to grow comfortable to wear glitter around his eyes, but his confidence went sky high when his band mates helped support him but wearing glitter on their face as well.

luke felt pretty with his silk long sleeves and glitter. there was just one thing missing though.

he missed his painted nails.

back in 2015 for halloween, calum had painted his nails for his costume and luke absolutely loved it and hoped he could do that one day.

although during that year he saw a bottle of red nail polish and was about to buy it until his band mates came running down the aisle, chasing michael for his target popcorn.

but now, luke wanted nothing more than to have the confidence to wear more. he didn't only want to wear glitter and silk long sleeves, he wanted more. what he wanted, he wasn't sure, but he thought that maybe painting his nails would be a step further into who he wants to be, and how he wants to be.

that's why he was going to ask his boyfriend. he didn't know shit about painting nails, and calum has a talent of not being able to get a single dot of nail polish on his skin.

luke plopped next to calum, smiling and snuggling into his side as he wrapped his arm around him and began rubbing the exposed skin on his hip.

"um.. cal..?" luke said sheepishly.

"yes love?" calum murmured.

"can you um... can you pain my nails?" luke asked, a blush rushing up his neck and cheeks.

calum looked down and his blonde boyfriend and smiled. "you're serious?"

luke nodded his head, not keeping eye contact with calum. he was just so embarrassed and overwhelmed about one question.

"of course love, follow me." calum said, tapping luke's thigh and stood up, grabbing luke's hand and lead him to the bathroom.

calum pulled out a bag full of nail polish, all kinds of colors. sometimes he painted his nails for fun, but would remove the colors on his nails because he didn't want to deal with picking it off.

"pick a color." calum smiled, opening the bag.

luke dug through the bag hesitantly, not wanting to break anything or think this was all a joke and calum was going to laugh at him.

but a cherry red caught his eye and he pulled it out. "this one."

calum grabbed the bottle from his hand, shaking it up. "this is one of my favorites," he admitted.

luke watched as calum effortlessly painted his nails, his natural nail color disappearing and becoming a cherry red.

there weren't any mistakes, and luke was carefully with moving his hands around and staying still. he didn't want to mess his nails up, nor did he want calum to mess up.

when calum finished painting his nails, luke looked down at his hands, a huge smile growing on his face.

yeah, this was it.

"do you like it?" calum asked.

"i love them.. thank you so much." luke laughed happily.

"anything for you baby angel."


words: 553

requested by: @leavethecity

hey guys, since some of you said you would be interested in ot3 and ot4 relationships, so i added them to the requests!

requests can be made down below or in dms












































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