take a sip of my secret potion ➼ lashton

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it really wasn't a good idea, but ashton had finally had enough. he had promised himself that he would never make a love potion, but he was just desperate at the moment.

it's not that he's forcing luke to love him... he's just... stepping up the game. okay maybe he is forcing luke to love him, but hey, the potion might not even work.

ashton made sure no one was home before racing down to the basement. his family are all witches, but he just didn't want them to know what he was making a love potion. they wouldn't allow it. it's the not nicest potion to make.

ashton pulled the one of the books out of its place, and the bookshelf slid over, allowing ashton to enter the hidden room.

they couldn't just have a room open to anyone that held spell books, potions, and other witch items. witches aren't that common in the world, and the last thing ashton family needs is to be locked up.

witches are written to be looked at as bad. casting horrible curses, making poisonous potions and foods, and sometimes cooking people. but witches weren't like that at all. well, some witches had evil intentions but most didn't. if anything, they're trying to help the world to be a better place. they try their best to make spells to help the environment, and the bad people in the world.

ashton closed the bookshelf and got to work. he scanned the spell books on the opposite side of the book shelf and immediately lit up when he found the book he was looking for.

there were tons of spell books. one for the evil, and one for the good. in the books, there are many spells and potions for the witches to learn and use. if made correctly, everything should go smoothly.

the book was decorated with a red velvet cover with gold lettering. the edges were peeling, and the pages were stained yellow from how old it was.

he wheezed as he carried the heavy book to the table. it was about a thousand pages long, containing many spells and potions about any emotion you could think of.

he flipped to the index and scanned the page unt he saw amortentia.

he flipped to the page and his eyes widened. this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought.


this is going to be so easy. luke thought, as he prepared the ingredients for the potion.

luke was an expert at potions. not that he's bragging or anything, but he's the best in his entire family. the most difficult potions were like nothing to him. he could have this potion done in a snap of his fingers.

he only needed a little bit. he can't make a lot of amortentia, it's too powerful to use so much. amortentia is the most powerful love potion to exist. just one tiny drop or smell of it can make anyone instantly fall in love.

he figured it would be a good idea to mix some of the potion with cookie batter. ashton absolutely loves macadamia nut cookies, so why not give him his favorite dessert, along with another surprise.

luke feels guilty for even making this potion, but he just wants ashton to love him back. so why not make a potion?

it's not the smartest idea, but maybe when the potion wears off, ashton will still love him.

after an hour, the potion was finally complete and luke became very excited. all he had to do was mix the clear liquid with some cookie batter, and then it was all complete.

he was excited for tomorrow. ashton was finally going to like him back.


at lunch, both boys grew nervous.

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