opposites ➼ malum

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calum looked up from his phone, smiling as he saw his boyfriend running up to him.

he gave him his full attention once michael was in front of him and talked about his first class so far.

today was their first day of their junior year, and michael was the one who was excited. calum, not so much. but he loved hearing michael talk about what he loves, and one of those things are school because he came make friends, or brighten someone's day. (which is something he already does, it's hard to be sad around michael).

the two boys were the classic opposites. calum wore dark clothes, he has snakebites, and a eyebrow piercing, he has a few tattoos hidden since the school doesn't allow them to be shown, but michael was the only one who got to see them. well, and his family.

michael always managed to look soft, no matter what he wore. he could wear a black sweater and black jeans and he would still look cuddly and soft. but most days michael tried wearing light colored clothing, since it's the summer season. he sweats easily and he would hate to sweat even more while wearing black.

they loved each other anyways, besides their opposite tastes.

"calum my math teacher is so nice! he makes things really easy and you know how bad i'm at math. i think i'll pass this quarter!" michael said excitedly.

calum smiled. "that's good baby, my music teacher is pretty nice i guess, she just let us get to know each other."

calum liked playing instruments, especially bass. some times on the weekends, he'll play gigs with random bands who needed a bass player. he never stuck with a band, no matter the protests. he wanted to make his own band with people he knew and could trust.

michael would be one member, considering he could play guitar like he's never seen before, and his vocals are just so damn amazing. (so are calum's but he doesn't like admitting it)

"hey look!"

calum and michael turned around, looking at one of the students who were popular. they weren't a jock, but just a student who somehow, everyone knew.

"it's a fairy and a vampire!"

another thing was, one of michael's school nicknames was fairy, and calum's was vampire for some odd reason. he never understood out of all names, his was vampire.

calum rolled his eyes. "he just thrives for attention."

"agreed." michael huffed, glaring at the boy, whose name was trey.

calum's eyes softened, and he stood in front of michael, cupping his cheeks. he saw michael's eyes flickering, knowing he was pissed off. "hey, michael, princess?"

michael looked up at calum, considering he's a few inches shorter than him.

"it's okay love, leave him alone yeah?" calum asked softly.

michael nodded, sighing and hugged calum, tucking his head into his neck.

calum kissed his temple, and rubbed his back to help him calm down even further.

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