The Prodigy

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" Calm down Sir, she is fine."

" Let go of him!"

" This is no way to behave in a hospital,Sir"

The other doctors and male nurses rush in, pulling the beast of a man away from Dr Jay. But he refused to let go.

His piercing orbs were fixed at Dr Jay 's calm ones, who doesn't seem much bothered by this hulk of a man holding him from his collar.

" You must be her eldest brother."

Dr Jay declares. And the beast's anger seemed to have simmered down a bit hearing the doctor's calm reply.

" Yes. Now take me to her dammit! "

He lets go of Dr's collar and Dr Ajay adjusts his spectacles to nod.

" Follow me"

With this both their figures walk into a room and I find everyone in the  hallway staring at their backs, flabbergasted including me.

My eyes lock with Jay's and he immediately averts his eyes. Rubbing my sweaty palms on my top,I gulp. Trying to catch my breath when I feel someone staring at me yet again.

I look up to again lock eyes with Jay, and I couldn't stop myself this time. I blurted out.

" Speak if you want to say something. "

Yet what he said next, made each and every cell in my body to freeze in a new found fear.

" Brother is very protective of Ajuni. I would be counting my blessings if I was you. "

My eyes shift to Avik's and he drops his shoulders to nod gloomily.

" Being a woman has come to her advantage. Or she would have been dangling in the air by now. "

My fearful eyes meet Darian's and she clenches her fist to look at the boys in rage. Getting up she storms towards them. Getting in her badass skin.

" That hooligan of a man can't even touch our Rei. Do you even know who she is? "

" And what was her mistake anyways? That she feeded some empty stomachs? It's not like she was going to get a dream that your sister was allergic to something?"

" She is innocent!"

The boys look at each other to just sigh. Ignoring her outlash.

" Doesn't matter. We were just trying to warn you of the impending disaster."

" Yes. Don't complain later."

They both speak in conclusion and Darian looks at me to mouth WTF. I pat the empty seat beside me. Asking her to give up arguing,as they were just kids. But my best friend is too persistent for her own good.

Placing her hands on her waist, she looks down at the two of them.

" You make him sound as if he rules this city and is some kind of a king. We aren't scared of your brother, okay? He can shove his ego up his ass for all I ca-"

Her words die down as she finds the two boys getting to look at someone behind her.

She didn't! Dammit! Luck really hates us today.

" Brother!"

I look at the beast towering over Darian from behind her and she gulps to look at me. Her face was pale and her eyes squinted.


I rub my face to look down. Not this now.

The two boys cling to his long legs and he places his huge hands on their heads protectively. He speaks something to them and I see the two boys relaxing.

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