The Beast

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The sound of my finger pads tapping the keyboard buttons echo in the silent 8 by 8 cubicle of the cyber cafe as I stare at the computer screen.


99 ℅

"Come on!"

" One error found!"

Dammit! Clenching my fists, I adjust my seat to source the error when I hear my phone ringing the n th time.

" Speak"

I press the green button, to groan. How many times do I have to tell Ali to not disturb me when I am working on the application,  but no, he just doesn't get it.

" Veer"

" I know my name dammit. Speak what do you want?"

" Veer some..some goons came and raided Darian and Reinan's room. By the time I came it was already too late-"

My fingers on the keyboard freeze.

" What the fuc*! Kids..are they alright-"

" Kids are perfectly  fine. Just taken back. However they...they took Reinan with them-"

My fingers clench around the phone in a deadly grip. That girl. I am sure this happened because of her. She fuc*ing can't stay out of trouble for one day.

" Veer we need to find her. I don't know what to do-"

" Just call the police and let them do their work. She got into this mess herself, she is not our fuc*ing problem Ali."

The line goes silent for a second.

" can you say this? What is wrong with you? She is kidnapped Veer! Do you even realise what could happen to her-"

" She is not our concern! We have more important matters to attend to! Like saving my sisters life!"

" have lost it Veer-"

Hanging up the call, I throw aside the phone to run my fingers through my hair. Dammit!

The image of her innocent eyes staring at my lips as she was pinned under me , again flashes in my mind and I curse. Not again. No! I can't waste any more time thinking about people who mean nothing to me.

She was nothing to me.

Just a freaking nutcase. A baggage.

Ali is right. I have lost it. She is making me lose it dammit!

Not anymore. I need to focus.

I need to save Ajuni.

And this application is the key to it. The earlier it passes the testing, the earlier I will be able to arrange the funds.

I return back to curing the bug, my fingers type the codes.

Who will kidnap her?

What did she do this time?

What if they force her?

Why is it my problem? I told her I won't be coming to help her everytime.

I told her to leave this forsaken place and return to her palace!

But when does she listen !


My fingers clench and when I look up at the screen. Nothing. I haven't typed a single code. She did it again. She messed up my mind without doing anything. 

The Beast And The ProdigyWhere stories live. Discover now