The Beast.

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27 days.

I have spent the last 27 days searching for her. Engaging the best trackers in the world, searching each and every nook and corner of this city, driving for hours insanely desperate to get a glimpse of her.

But nothing.

There was not a single trace.

It's like her mother was right. She had just vanished from our worlds after that night.

Stepping into tho the two story building simple house. I run my hand on my face to sigh. This was needed... I needed them.

Gathering enough courage I rang the bell and the shuffling of feet on the other side made my heart beat to spike.

He will be so mad..

I just need him to listen to me.

The door swings open and there stood my once best friend, wearing a suit and tie, ready to go to office it seems. His eyes widen as he takes me in but for a minute or so we both don't say anything.

The pain was there in his eyes.

Just like mine.

We both longer for a lot of things. But we weren't capable of it now. Our priorities have shifted. Someone else has taken over that first place in his life, which at one point belonged to me.

But I couldn't blame him.

" You look like shit"

Was the first thing he says and I took my hands through my hair to scoff. Indeed I did. There were dark circles under my eyes owing to countless nights I hadn't taken a wake of sleep, stubble covered my jaw, hair a tangled mess over my head.

" Can I come in?"

His expression shifts, hanging somewhere between anxiousness and concern.

" I am sorry Veer. But she is-"

" Ali! Who is there?"

" Is it the newspaper bill-

A female voice spoke up from behind and I grab the door. Stopping him from closing on my face.

" It's urgent. Please."

He shakes his head to look back over his shoulder.

" Veer you don't understand. She will-"

And that's when that familiar face comes into my view and I ignore Ali to give her my full attention. Darian's eyes widen as if she has seen a ghost and then the next emotion that flickers in her eyes was that of pure rage, unfiltered a raw.

" How dare you even step here-"

" Hello Darian."

I tilt my head to greet and her eyes show no signs of cordiality, rather she pulls back Ali to stand in front of me. Her eyes blazing.

" Get out! Fuck off dammit!"

I shrug my shoulders to hold my ground. My eyes emotionless, her hatred doing nothing to crack my resolve for coming here.

" I am afraid. I can't do that."

She was ready to leap on me. When Ali grabs her waist with both his arms, stopping her from pouncing.

" Still that douche of a bastard! What do you want now, huh? It's all because of you I lost her... all because of you!"

" You fucked her and threw her out of your life! Do you seriously expect us to take you back!"

" I have been trying to talk to her for the last seven years but they don't even let me in into that fucking mansion of hers! She never picked up my calls! I haven't seen my best friend in the last seven years... She didn't even came on my wedding... Nor replied to my message.."

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