The Beast

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This is insane.

I am going insane.

This little vixen had entered my life and fucked it up pretty badly. Her body feels so perfectly in sync with mine that it makes one doubt if our relation is not physical but also spiritual.

Her moans of pleasure are the most satisfying sound that I have ever heard in my life and that urge to claim each and every inch of her skin lits to life again. She is going to need tons of concealer to hide the evidence of our rough night, but for once. I didn't want her to cover.

I want her to flaunt them like her most prized possession. I want her to see them everyday and remember how I fucking made her feel tonight.

Taking her, and that too in her car was never the plan. It was the most inconvenient places of many. But then I couldn't wait.

First she entered my life without permission, invaded my privacy, got close to my family, made herself a part of my life and now she freaking wanted to leave?

You enter a lion's den with your permission but you don't leave at your will.

She was my little cute little innocent prey. And I was her predator.

She can't have me taste her sweet blood and then fucking leave.

I won't let her.

She should have come prepared for these consequences.

She is mine now.

To claim, possess and devour.

My Peaches.

I pull back from the kiss, to see her looking at me with those innocent eyes. They were dropping, signifying she was tired. Her body was shivering drenched in sweat and her limbs were sluggish. I would be a bastard if I push this further.

This was her first time. And this was the most form of gentle I could ever be.

Pulling back from her, I hear her moan as she comes undone.

Her body quivers under me and I keep it steady. Finishing with stealing the last sweet peck from her lips.

" You good?"

She nods to smile at me and I find myself returning her smile. I don't remember when I last smiled like this.Dammit! What's happening to me? Nudging our noses together, I suck in her sweet exhale.

Picking up her discarded top, I start pulling it over her but she refuses.

" I- I can do it-"

" Shh lift your arms. I wasn't asking."

It was me who discarded her clothes so if was my duty to put them back. If she is going to mine, she is going to be treated like a damn princess. I don't give a fuck if she feels uncomfortable with that.

I pull down her dress and tug up her knickers. She gasps to look aside.

Putting on my own shirt, I sneak an arm around waist and tug her up to settle her on my lap. Her tussles whip my face and I close my eyes.

Damn. How can everything associated with her be so freaking sweet?

She blinks to look at me. Not understanding what I was going to do and I love her clueless face. Tucking her lose fringe behind her ear, I caress her cheek to whisper.

" Sleep peaches."

"I don't plan to tire out you to unconsciousness. Not yet."

She tries to hide her face behind the curtain of her hair when I grab her chin to tug it up.

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