The Beast

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" What do you want?"

Ali's voice was impatient, like every second spent talking to Veer was a wastage of his time.

" I need to see her."

Ali scoffs to seethe.

" Who are you talking about Veer. I don't know who you are referring to."

Veer's grip on the phone tightens. He was bloody testing him. Taking a deep inhale, he speaks each word clearly.

" Where is Reinan, Ali? "

" Oh wow. The great superstar remembers her name. I thought you would have long forgotten her, just like you forgot me."

The line went silent, and Ali's words pierce right into Veer's heart.

" See Ali. Let's keep our differences aside. I need to know. It's urgent. Please."

" I don't know where she is. But even if I knew it, you would be the last person I would give her whereabouts."

Veer takes a deep breath to control himself, he hasn't called to fight again. Raking his fingers through his hair he tries to calm himself down.

" See Ali. I am in no mood for another argument. Can you please ask Darian-"

" Shut your fucking tongue bastard! Don't even dare to take my wives name from your filthy lips. Do you hear me?"

" 7 years. You fucking never called for the last seven years. And then suddenly you call me and expect me to tell you where Reinan is?"

" Fuck you Veer. Enjoy your lavish life, you don't need to associate with low lives like us."

" And as far Reinan is concerned? Forget her. I am sure you are used to it anyways."

" I heard the news by the way. What's that actresses name. Aadhira, yes. Why don't you screw around with her... or did you got bored of her as well."

" After all that's what you are good for. Fucking coward."

With this Ali hangs up the call and the phone slips from between my fingers. Gripping the table, I try to calm my breaths.

But who was he kidding.

Maybe he was right.

Why do I have to see her once?

Why now?

Everything was smooth in my life. I had fame, money, name and family. Why do I have to complex it with her.

My mind was trying to convince me but my heart revolted.

It won't find peace until has seen her and talked to her.

Damn it!

Opening the search engine,I type her father's name. Richard Anderson. Owner of Richardson Corporation.And my heart literally thuds in my chest.

It must be here. Anything, picture, address.

Richard Anderson, the business mongul.... I skip through its contents to stop at that one word.

Children.... One

Daughter: Reinan Anderson. Married to  Angelo Black( 2021) Have a son, Eugene Black.

My heart stops in my chest as I read it. And it felt like the entire world has collapsed right there. The images of her living her life happily with another man.... Resurface and a strange ache hits my chest.

Peaches.... you finally moved on.

I am so proud of you but..

Of course you moved on. Why would you be waiting for someone. You deserved everything in this world.

Gulping the clogging in my throat, I scroll up to find some pictures of her, but to my surprise there were none. I searched her husbands name... Angelo black and various pictures pop up.

He was an Englishman. Handsome.Charming. Rich. Every woman's dream.

Blue eyes, blonde hair.

I try to find their couple photos but I don't find Peaches anywhere. It's like she has been kept hidden from the eyes of the media.

Flipping aside my phone I take a deep breath to stare at my wedding card.

Would she still remember me?

What if she doesn't recognise me.

I will be making a fool of myself.

But did that stop me from seeing her? I guess not.

Clutching back the phone, I dial a number.

" Yes Sir"

" Book a flight to New York for tonight-"

" But Sir you have a match-"

" Just do it. Don't question me."

" Of course Sir. Right away."

I hang up the call and walk up the stairs to only stop outside Aju's door. She was sleeping peacefully beside Ajay.

I will make you meet your Angel, Princess.

Even if it is just one last time.

I promise.


PS: Too short, I know. Will continue the chapter tonight. Thank you for your patience. Hope you all are excited for their meet....

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