The Prodigy

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The English dictionary defines this word to be the state in which one becomes unaware of their surroundings.

And that's what I felt right now.

I no longer have sense of where I stand, what I wear or even what day it is. The only thing I could feel was soft plump lips tenderly moving against my own while my own stay open, like a damn fish too shocked to move even a fin.

A strange fire had lit in my abdomen and I bet the entire water in this flats reservoir wasn't enough to quench it.

" Peaches"

He breathes heavily on my lips and something churns inside me, a strange sensation travels down to my very toe and I find it clenching in my boots.

It... it felt like a present which has stayed as a decorative piece on a shelf for years, getting ripped open.

A geyser which has stayed dormant in the yellow stone, gushing with water to reach the sky.

A fish that has always stayed in calm saline ocean water, getting thrown into a gushing fresh water River.

I couldn't breathe.

My lungs were ready to burst.

But I didn't wanted this feeling to get over.

Those callous rough hands that only know how to beat the living shit out of people, held my face so gently, that I unintentionally leaned to them.

I felt like a delicate piece of glass, getting touched by a glassblower. Ready to be shaped in whatever form he wished.

Those soft plump lips that were always plastered in a sneer when he looked at me, moved against mine like raindrops trailing down a freshly sprewed petal.

Before I know my fists clench on his t shirt and as soon as my palms brush against his naked chest.

His eyes snap open.


The world stopped, that churning morphed into a tornado and I came undone.

We stare.

I admire the depths of his brown eyes, count the volume of those naturally curled eyelashes and try to decipher some emotions.

To find nothing.

Falling into his eyes was like looking at the sun, you can't hold his state for long. And if you still manage to do? The repercussion was a lifelong blindness.

His emotions shift.

His hand caressing my cheek drops and next I know he pulls back.

A bucket of cold water is thrown on my head and as the reality sinked in,my body bailed out.

Leaving me alone, sitting on his strong thighs, with my palms on his chest and our faces just inches apart.

What have I done?

Wait. No. I didn't do anything. I don't even know how to kiss.What has he done dammit!

I expected to see regret in his eyes and hear sorry on his lips.

But I got nothing.

Nothing except those brown eyes scrutinizing me like I am a specie born on mars.

My cheeks flare red the longer I stayed, sitting there craddling his lap. I was going to get up and dig a hole to spend my night under it. When he speaks.

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