The Prodigy

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My torpid body jerks back to life when I feel the contents of my stomach protesting.

Not again. Aghhhhh!

Flapping open my eyes, I press my palms on the mattress to get up. It was pin drop silent in the room. Darian was in a deep sleep, laying just beside me. And the lights were off.

Rushing to the bathroom, I close the door behind to gag and hurl the toxic substance.

Pheww. Finally. Switching on the tap. I was lucky enough to see the face of water in the last two days.

Splashing my face with it. I look at myself in the mirror to freeze.

Damn. I look like shit.

How much time has passed? Why was my head exploding and what the hell is this stink? I take a whiff of my own shirt and I gag.

Shit. It's me. I am the one stinking of alcohol and vomiting.

The events before I passed out flash in my mind and I groan hitting my palm on my head.

Way too stupid Reina!

Discarding my shirt, I rampage through my clothes when suddenly my eyes stop at the window next door and I freeze.

" I will be there tomorrow. "



I had to follow him tonight! I slapdash my phone screen to see the time impatiently.

9:52 pm

He would have left! Dammit!

It was the only opportunity to unveil the secrets he was hiding. How can I let this golden chance skip!

Changing my shirt into a plain white one. Wrapping my hair into a tight bun over my head and pulling over a black hoody. I fumble , stumbling out with half sneakers on.

Making sure to not wake D up, I softly close the door behind. Stepping out I look out at the deserted alley.

Damn it!

He left!

Stomping my foot. I wanted to cry. Turning around I was going to go back in, dejected  when I caught the silhouette of a figure walking down the eerie silent dark alley.

That broad back, stiff posture.

It's definitely him!


Pulling down the hood I enter into a sprint after him to only slow down a few meters behind him when his heavy footsteps come to a hiatus.

I hop, to cover up behind the wall. Breathing heavily.

Fudge! I was so silent. How come he still caught me?

Peeping in, I find him resuming his walk. And I follow him more discreetly this time.

20 minutes later.

Agh! My legs were sore and I was tired. How long will he continue? And what is this place? I don't even remember how many turns I have taken  and roads I have passed. It felt like I was at the other end of the world. 

I start hearing distant shouts and cheering and my brows furrow.

We were close. I suppose.

He takes the last right turn and as soon as I follow him, I am met with a bustling street at 11 o'clock at night.

My feet stagger to a stop and my eyes widen in shock.

What the hell?

If only I had known this was just the beginning. 

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