The Prodigy

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My grip on my phone tightened as I stared at the name flashing on the screen.


Gulping. I try to keep in the anxiousness and excitement bubbling in my stomach. Pressing on the green button, I press the phone to my ear. Smiling from ear to ear.

" Hello. "

" Send me the pdf file of VK consultancy now. "

His gruff voice made the smile on my lips drop.

" Okay"

"And how long are you going to extend this stupid vacation of yours? It's been a week already. "

" I am...I..."

" Get here as soon as possible."

" But Dad, I gave myself a break after 2 years. Let me stay-"

" Reinan I wasn't asking. Be here next week. "

" But-"

He hung up the call and I blankly stared at the phone screen. No greetings, not even a hello. He didn't ask me how I was.

Business. He only talks business with me like I am an employee. Not his child.

It hurts when I should be used to it by now.

" Di?"

Veiling the sadness on my face I look up to see the kids storming in from the door.

" I made you soup didi."

" I got you an ice cream!"

" I got chips and coke!"

" Seriously Avik, Jay? Coke? I've cream? She is sick, it's not a party going on here."

" So what? Everyone likes coke."

My face lights up seeing the 3 muskeeters. They were pushing packets of food my way and I collected the things from their hands to put them aside.

Opening my arms I beam at them, waiting.

" A hug is the only medicine I need."

Next, I know they throw their bodies at me and I hold back a curse. Fuc*! Shit! It hurts my wound. Seeing my expression Anuji pats her brother's back.

" Leave di you morons! You are hurting her!"

I breathe heavily to look into their worried eyes.

" It's fine kids-"

My words get interrupted by the slamming of my door open and my heart leaps in my chest when I see those 4 hulks from last night standing at the threshold.

"We meet again pretty girl. "

Their leader speaks darkly, stepping in and my hands instinctively move up to push the kids behind me.

"Wh...what are you doing here? Where is Rahul?"

And that's when I saw a body getting thrown on my feet and my blood ran cold. No.

Rahul was lying unconscious,  covered in bruises from head to toe. Blood was seeping from a cut on his forehead and his one eye was swollen black and blue.

" N...o. Rahul! "

I try to get up to only have the pain hit my sides and my frame plunges to the floor.


Damn it!

Ignoring my pains I crawl towards him to pick up his head and place it in my lap.

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