The Prodigy

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" I....actually guys...he...."

Zahir and his group stare at me as my mouth opens and closes. Come on. I have to say this.

But what if they mock Veer?

What if they degrade him and not treat him as equal.

My heart thuds in my chest and my palms turn clammy. But then if I don't tell them he may think I am ashamed of him. No, I have to tell them.

" Veer isn't related to the Rathore's. He is.."

" He is....."

Before I could complete his deep voice echoes from behind me and I feel a shiver slither down my spine.


" I am a normal wage worker living in Dharavi with my three younger siblings. With what I earn, I can't afford to stand here let alone buy a drink. I ain't any heir to some business empire left by my parents, a 1 BHK room in a slum and my siblings are my only lineage."

" I don't give two fucks about what you guys think about me but it seems your dear friend here..."

His eyes connect with mine and my blood freezes.

" Seemed to have a problem introducing me properly."

Opening my palms, he places the notes I gave to the bartender back into my hands. I just blankly stare at them and then with one last look he starts walking away.

" Dharavi? Seriously? What kind of friends do you have Zahir?"

" Where did you meet her? Does she also live there? Gosh are we hanging around with lowlives now?"

Zahir's friends mock but in that moment I didn't care. All I was concerned about was his retreating back. He was leaving.

I have to stop him. He can't go like this.

I take a step towards him when Zahir blocks me. His eyes were raging.

" What the fuck Rei? What was he saying? Does he really live in those slums? Have you lost it! Does uncle know-"

" I can't talk to you right now Zahir, just let me go!"

" Move aside, Zuzu"

Darian interjects and he looks at her with a shocked look.

" And you are with her in this, Darian? Seriously? Just ask her to open her damn eyes-"

I push past him to follow Veer's huge frame. I don't need anyone's validation on my choice.

Especially not Zahir's.

What was he? A playboy? A spoiled brat who only knows how to throw money and watch everyone dance in front of him.

I desperately look around to not find his frame anywhere, till I catch a figure walking out of the doors.

" Veer!"

" Wait! Veer!"

I call him but he doesn't stop, maybe he can't hear me because it was too loud here? Pushing past the bodies, I struggle to reach out.

" Veer!"

Danmit! We reach outside. I am sure I was audible this time. But he ignores me.

A a strange dread settles in my chest.

" Veer stop! I am talking to you dammit!"

He stops this time, and the words he spoke next poked deeper than his silence.

" Well you weren't when you were supposed to."

I press my palms on my knees, trying to catch my breath. Shaking my head in a no, I speak. My hands move in all directions as I try to explain.

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