The Prodigy

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My breathing was getting uneven, my lungs were ready to burst and my vision stands blurred.

" Pleasee"

That's all that left my lips but mercy wasn't an emotion shown in a place like this. All hope extinguishes as I just lay there limp. My cheek stays pressed to the cold floor and I saw something shining under the bulb.

Mom's peacock pendent.

Extending my trembling fingers, I manage to grab it and clench it in my fists.

I don't care if they take everything I have except my pendant. It's the first gift mama gave me.

I can't lose it.

They continue to rip my clothes and the little trust on humanity I  have, when suddenly the woman with the tattoo grunts.

" Stop!"

Surprisingly everyone pulls back and I suck a deep inhale. Clenching my fist to my chest, I take this as an opportunity to crawl back towards the cell door.

" Someone help please! Help!"

No one cared, the policeman ignore my pleas like this was a normal occurrence here. Rather they sip their tea in leisure.

" Officer!They...they are molesting me! Officer!"

The head officer smirks at me, to only chuckle.

" Well karma is a bitch. Isn't it. Just yesterday you molested Mr Malhotra and today you are at the receiving end."

" Endure."

" He deserved it! He was trying to-"

I zip my lips, what was the use of telling everyone the truth. They are only going to make fun of it.

I look down at my condition and my heart churns. Their nails were scratched all over my feet, arms, neck and hands. My ear was dripping with blood and I could feel a cut on my forehead.

My t shirt's buttons tugged on and broken and my sleeves ripped.

I press my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around me in a ball. Trying to hide from their penetrating gaze.

The woman with the tattoo approaches me and I feel each and every cell in my body shiver in fear.

" Show me your hands? What are you hiding?"

She warns, flashing the knife and I shake my head in a no.

" Take anything...but not this. No!"

" I said open your fuc*ing hand bitch!"

" No!"

I refuse. I know it's a materialistic thing and I should be more concerned about my life rather than a mere pendent. But I didn't had it in me.

I just can't lose it.

Not in this life at least.

" Don't blame me for what happens next. Remember I asked you nicely."

She starts approaching me with that knife in her hand and I close my eyes to move my head to a side. The pendent was safe on my fists.

My thudding heart becomes audible in my ears.

I was waiting for the knife to slit my skin any second.

5 seconds

7 seconds

10 seconds.

And then a scream of agony.

My eyes snap open and I see an arm extended from behind me, gripping that tattoo girls wrist and twisting it.

The knife drops from her fingers and her cry echoes around.

" Let go!!! Agh!"

The grip doesn't loosen despite the begging.

Scared. I look back to follow that arm and my mind goes blank when I find Veer crouching on the other side of the cells. His murderous eyes set on that tattooo woman.

" Leave my hand....Aghh! Leave it"

My throat runs dry when I follow his arm to find veins evident on his skin. His grip only tightens around her wrist, showing no signs of letting go.

I sat there blankly, not knowing what to do.

Veer's arm, that could fit in through the two bars, was my only saviour in this hell hole of a prison.

" Leave dammit!"

The woman screams in pain as her eyes tear with unshed tears, and Veers reply made a shiver to run down my spine.

" As you wish."

And that's when I heard it. Crack. He just broke her wrist without a trace of any emotion on his face.

Her hand falls limp from her arm and she staggers back to scream.

" Aghhhh! You fucker!"

Her screams calls for everyone's attention and that's when the policeman realised that he is here.

" How did you got in?"

" The fuc*! Throw him out!"

My heart tears in fear while Veer wraps his handkerchief around his knuckles to sigh. His eyes looked bored as he met my gaze to settle back on the woman in my cell.

" Anyone touches her and she will have a similar fate."

" So from where do we begin?"

" Who wants to come first."

The woman in the cell share a look while the officers pick up their sticks. Ready to attack Veer from behind.

" Veer..."

I don't know what I was doing, but my hands shoot up to interlock with his through the cell rods.

" They... they are coming Veer.."

" I know peaches, Relax."

Peaches, that nick name again.

Why did my heart skip a beat.

I see 8 officers approaching him from behind while his back is to me. Sticks raised in their hands.

And my eyes widen in fear.

" They.. they are behind you..."

Nothing becomes evident on his face. Not even a single frown.

" Are you scared for me?"

He smirks and my hands grip his shirt through the cell bars.

" Get serious dammit! No wait-"

I scream at the officer who was ready to thrash a stick on Veer's head. But he stands ignorant.

" Veeeeerrr!"

I shout closing my eyes and the officer swings the stick. Ready to crack Veers head open.


Authors note:

Will be continued tonight to compensate for the very short update.

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