The Beast

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" Aggg, please! I am sorry, bhai! Plea..... Aghhh!"

I look into the man's begging eyes and then.


Twisting his arm to break it off, I feel a strange pleasure hearing his screams. Tears streamed down his swollen, bruised face, and I dropped him to place my shoe's heel over his wringing body.

Taking out a cigarette from my pocket, I light it up to let out a whiff.


I finally feel my insides find some solace.

" Bhai... bha....i I beg... please...someone help... pl...ease..."

Resting the cigarette between my two fingers, I pull it down to look at his friends, struggling to get up; they look at me with redefined fear.

Their faces were pale as they looked between their friend pinned under my foot and me. I raise a brow, and then, and they gulp to stagger back.

" H..e is crazy! He will kill us... run..."

Leaving their friend, the other three run or rather crawl from there with broken limbs. I didn't mind. The less spectators, the more fun.

"No... stop... don't leave me... here.. Noooo"

The man under me begged, trying to wriggle out, and I pressed my shoe heel deeper into his backbone. Blood splatters out of his lips, and I see his swollen eye struggling to stay open.

I sigh.

What a weakling.

I thought he would last longer.

Trailing my foot on his back, I reach the arm I just broke and then another crack. I press my heel on it to hear his cries in the background.

Squatting down, I stare at his fingers, trembling with pain. The same fingers that touched my Ajuni. Hmm, they were looking too pretty. He doesn't deserve such beautiful fingers with such an ugly mind.

Someone has to correct this mismatch by nature.

Taking a whiff of the carcinogens, I lower the pipe to stare at the Red ring circling the bud.

" How long did you touch her?"

His eyes widen as he thrashes, but all to no avail.

"Pl... please..,I won't even look at any other woman...I....swear.....aghhhhh"

I press more of my body weight on my leg, pinning his broken arm.

" I asked how long did you touch my sister bastard?"

My voice was surprisingly calm in contrast to my insides. I have become like this after that day, but I have no regrets. I can kill myself a thousand times for my family. I was no longer that free kid who loved seeing cartoons with his dad every Sunday or the one who sat on a kitchen counter while his mother cooked his favourite.

That Veer died two years back. To give rise to this beast today.

I will keep my promise and fulfil the responsibility my parents gave me. I will never cower away from any difficulty.

I am my Ajay, Avik and Ajuni's only family. Their father, mother, brother, everything. I am their world, just like they are mine.

And if someone dares to taint our world with his filthy touch, I will make it vanish from this very world.

"Barely 7 seconds.... It was just a caress....aghhhhh!"

I press the burning bud on his finger, and his skin starts burning away. His screams echo around like music, and I deepen the bud.

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