The Prodigy

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His eyes were so brown.

And they were transfixed. Staring into my own. Attempting the steal my very soul.

I will hand it to him willingly without a second thought.

He just has to ask.

What is this feeling? What is this euphoric state? I should be afraid of falling, but all I could care right now was for the thrill of the soar.

" You seem to be back to your normal self?"

He questions and my eyes snap away from his. Damn. He caught me staring. My eyes stare at his palm resting on my thigh and my very skin burns under his touch.

" Y-es. I feel better. Thank you for your help. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you-"

" It's called the 333 rule. You can try it yourself next time. Try to identify 3 scents, sounds and do 3 acts to divert your mind."

I nod. Like a good kid.

I lift my left leg to get down when suddenly I feel something press against my ear and I freeze. I look up at him.

" Hold on a second."

His right hand was extended a white handkerchief was pressed to my bleeding ear.

" Does it hurt?"

I was too mesmerised by his concerned eyes to say anything. It hurts like shit, but I was numb to it.

" I gu.. ess"

And that's when I see a smile tug on his lips.

" You guess? Of course it hurts. But you are too proud to admit it to me."

With utmost sincerity, he uses another handkerchief to clean the blood around my neck and another ear. I stay still. Trying not to flinch.

Once he is done. He cracks his neck to stare at his watch.

Am I wasting his time?

Of course... he has to go to the kids.

" Hold on tight. I won't slow down just because you are scared of some speed."

I blink.


He is going to ride the bike like this? I am still sitting in front of him.

" But-"

He grabs my wrist and next I know he pulls them to make me wrap my arms around his torso. My face presses against his chest.

Putting on a helmet, he roars the bike to life and before a word of protest could leave my lips.

We were soaring.


The bike stops at a red light and I see a woman in the adjoining car staring at us. She taps the man sitting beside her and they both stare at us.

My cheeks burn red.

Gosh. This is embarrassing. I snuggle my face in Veers chest to avoid their eyes.

People were staring but Veer's heart still beats steady.This man doesn't give a fuc* about anything in life.

Except for his family.

Why was he helping me? He has done enough. From the little I know him, he doesn't help anyone without a reason.

Through my blurred vision I look around and I find myself among the city lights.

This wasn't the way to Dharavi.

Where is he taking me.

Lifting up my head, I look up at him to speak.

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