Chapter 15:

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"So Montana has Vinny and she threatened to hurt all of us and kill Vinny if we don't break up..." I asked, trying to put the pieces together.

"And you're not supposed to know."


"I'm not going to let you go so easy, Carter. She can't dictate our lives like this."

She looked down and sighed. I pushed a strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear.

"I think we have to." She finally said. What?

"But-" She cut me off.

"Mikey, Vinny's kidnapped somewhere. You and Sam have broken somethings. Everyone that's important to me, including you, is in danger. We can't do this anymore. I'm sorry."

The room suddenly settled into silence. Only the ruffling of the nurse's searching in the other room. Then, I got an idea.

"We can fake break up..."

She looked at me funny then smiled at the ground. "Mikey, this isn't Disney Channel."

"You never know. It can work. We keep it a secret. Not even the guys or girls will know."

"Mike...that might actually work..."

"I know." I said, trying to make her smile. But it only worked for a moment.

"How are we going to find Vinny?" I asked.

"That's easy. I know where he is."

"How do you-"

"I'm a Birectioner. Directioners and Beliebers are usually stalkers. Imagine them together." She interupted.

"Is that even healthy?" I joked. She laughed and shook her head.

The nurse finally found my info, and called my mother. I was taken to the hospital to get x-rays and a cast. Krutches were given to me, and it still hurt, but I had medicine to numb it. Carter was at home when I got to mine, so I texted her. I really wanted her here. The bell rang and Nicholette got it. A few moments later, my bedroom door creeped open. It was Carter.

"Hey, feel better?"

"Yeah. You're here." I said, smiling. She layed down next to me and we talked. For hours. Eventually we fell asleep. I always felt better with her around.


I woke up confused and unsure of where I was. The I remembered talking to Mikey for a long time. Somehow, we must have fell asleep.

I got out, being careful of not waking Mikey up. It was Saturday, but I was still going to work. To find Vinny.

He had to be on her parents' property. It's the only possible place. So I planned.

It was a mansion, so getting lost was easy. There were shacks behind the place. Filled with automobiles. They were a fair distance away from the house, so Vinny had to be in one. He had to.

I pulled on my combat boots. But my hair in a braid. Took my jean jacket, and my skateboard, then I left.

When I got there, the place was oddly quiet. I climbed the fence into the other side. I ran out of sight, behind a couple of trees. Then I saw them. Six lined up shacks, separated by at lease twenty yards.

I ran to the first, and kicked it open. Nothing but motorcycles.

The second, two 1957 black Caddilacs.

The third, hunting equipment.

The fourth, Vinny.

He looked at me in shock when I kicked the door open. He was tied up to his chair, tape over his mouth. I took it off and asked him, "Are you okay?"

"But...How did you-"

"No questions now. We need to get out of here. Without getting caught."

He simply nodded as I untied his wrists. And we ran. Climbed over the fence. I lent him my skateboard and I ran. Soon enough we arrived at mine.

"Thanks." He said, stopping.

I just gave him a hug. I was so glad to have my best friend safe and sound.

We went in and we talked.

"What did she do to you?" I curiously asked.

He gave me a look, then started. "Just left me there, really. By the way, she's crazy. It's sickening."


"How did you find out?"

"She told me you weren't home sick. I figured out the rest."


"Why, thank you!"

He giggled, then looked back down at his shoes.

"She said she'd hurt Mikey-"

"Yeah. He broke his knee yesturday."

"Can we go see him?"


We walked across the street and knocked on the door. Nicholette opened up.

"Hi, Nicki. Is Mikey up yet?"

"Yep. He's in his room."


We walked upstairs and I knocked on the door.


"It's Carter and Vinny. Can we come in?" I asked opening the door.

"Vinny!?!? Carter, how did you-" Mikey yelled as I walked in with Vinny. I cut him off.

"I told you I would."

Vinny bro-hugged Mikey and I sat next to Mikey.

"Yeah. Carter's a G." Vinny said, playfully pushing my shoulder.

Mikey winked at me while saying, "I know." I slowly felt my cheeks turning red.

"Oh, Carter. Check this out. It's a text. But it's anonymous." Mikey said, handing me his phone.

And of course, it was a threat.


Woow. So mature, Montana.

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