Chapter 13:

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I don't need threats. This was just pathetic.

"Are you?" Mikey asked, sadly.

"Why would you think that, Mike!?" I asked , turning around.

He kissed me softly, then gave me a sad smile. I didn't want him to worry about me so much.

"Mikey, you'll be fine. I promise."

"It's not me I'm worried about."

***NEXT DAY***

I walked to school with Mikey. The others were busy doing what-not, so we walked by ourselves.

"Gym is going to be epic today! I heard we were playing Football. Your favorite!" Mikey said excitedly, then winked. Gosh he was so cute.

"Yep. I do love Football. Plus, Tebow is with the Jets-" I was cut off by Mikey's complaints.

"Tebow isn't even that good of a player!"

"Yes, he is!!"

He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes. And before we knew it, we were in front of the school.

"Library or field?" Mikey asked. I chose the field because it's nicer to be outside in the open, rather to be stuffed up inside.

We sat down on the grass and we started talking.

"So do you think 'Nian' will ever happen?" I asked Mikey. After all, he's still my best friend, in a way.

"I don't know. Sian's shy around us still."

"Well, we can't blame her."

"I get that being new is hard. Usually other people adapt quickly."


The others found us and sat with us. Except Vinny. I haven't seen him since yesturday. He never showed up to dance class.

"Hello!" Sam yelled, making my hearing fade for a few seconds.

"What's up?" Mikey asked, holding his left ear.

"The sky!" God bless this girl.

"So, Sian? How have you been?" I asked.

"Great! Ooh. I need to tell you something later on, if you don't mind." She said excitedly.

"Of course you can tell me!"

The bell rang and we all went to class.


Nick, Vinny, and Sian all had gym with Mikey and I. But since Vin never showed up to class, he wasn't with us. So we changed into our gym wear and sat on the floor.

Coach Downs blew his whistle. "Okay. We're going outside to use the field. Yes, girls must participate. Does everyone have their gear?" We all nodded and headed outside.

Coach picked me as first coach.

"Okay. Carter's one coach. Who'll be the other?"

No one raised their hands. The truth was that I was the best in my class at sports. Finally, a kid named Marvel raised his hand.

"Alright, Marvel. You'll be our coach." Marvel was brolic, huge, scary. But what's the worst that can happen?

He picked Montana on his team first. Was he nuts!? Or was this her set up? The second outcome was better believed.

We drafted, and I ended up with:




Blake (random kid),

Austin (not real),

Brittany (one of Montana's friends),

and Mikey.

I was good with that. I played quarterback while Sian and Nick played my left and right wing. Sarah, Blake Britanny, and Austin were my defence line. Mikey was my reciever.

Fair enough.

I asked Sarah to be a kicker as well. So she did the kick off. And we started at the 40-yard line.

Marvel's team had the ball for a bit, but Blake intersected, and gave us 10 more yards. 50-yard line.

Austin tossed back the ball to me. I escaped one of Montana's poor sacks, and threw to Mikey. Mikey caught the ball, and we made first down.

60-yard line.

I decided to run and pass. Because it was only Mikey and I, we only gained 20 yards with yet another first down.

20-yard line.

I threw the ball while Mikey waited for it at the endzone. TOUCHDOWN! But, in a blink of an eye, Mikey tripped over his own foot and fell to the ground. Marvel on top of him. A loud crack was heard, and I heard Mikey scream in pain.

I wished and prayed that I heard wrong, and that I was crazy. But when I got to the scene of Mikey on the floor, being examined by Coach, I knew I wasn't crazy.

Mikey broke his knee.

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