Chapter 6:

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Mikey looked up from his phone and strait at me. His face was completely flushed in anger.



Then I found myself running. Running. I wasn't sure where. But I didn't stop. My face was now completely soaked. I couldn't stop. My life was completely hell.

I found myself in the girls' deserted bathroom. And I cried. Harder and harder. I couldn't stop.

"Awww. Is little Carter crying because of a little text?" A voice said, behind me.

I turned around to find Montana and her friends.

"Haha! So immature. I told you. But you had to hug him. It's just how it is." She said with a 'sorry not sorry' look on her face.

"At least she hasn't had 7 pregnancy scares in three months. Or dates people for fame." Sam said, walking into the bathroom.

"Excuse me!?"

"I guess Carter isn't the only one who has a secret." She said, smirking.

Madison made a good choice. She's a keeper.

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh, so do I press 'SEND'?" She said, holding up her phone.


"Then, you know what to do."

"And that is?"

"Back off of my friends."

"Sorry! No can do." Montana said, smirking like an idiotic Leperchaun.

"Alright, 'SEND' it is!"

"Fine! I'll leave Carter alone!"

"Good. Dismissed."

Montana and her friends walked out of the bathroom.

Then, curiosity caught me.

"How did you know all of that!?!?"

"Oh, we used to be friends. That was until I found out she was a bitch."

"Thank you, Sam!"

"Anytime, Sis!" She said hugging me.

We walked out of the bathroom and bumped into Madison.

"What happened!?!?" Madison said looking up from his phone. "I got a text. Everyone did."

"Yeah, I know. But Sam got it. Thank God!"

"Oh, did she?" Mikey said, worried.

"What do you mean?" Sam said.

"Well, um...Nicholette the text and...erm...-"

Nicholette is Mikey's sister. She's like mine, too. But she can be overprotective. "SHE WHAT!?!?"

"She's 'talking' to her now. I tried to stop her!"

No matter what happens, I swear. My life is cursed.

I ran to find Nicholette and stopped when I found her approaching Montana. Suddenly Madison, Sam, Mikey, Vinny, and Nick caught up to me.

"Nicholette, STOP!" Nick called out.

She turned around and walked back to us.


"Please don't tell her anything!" I pleaded.


"I talked to her already." Sam said.

"Oh..well then."


"Ok. I'll see you guys later."


Mikey breathed heavy then said, "That would have been a mess."

"Word, too." Madison agreed.

"Okay. See you all in 4th." Vinny said, walking to class.

"Bye, Vinny!" I yelled. He turned and smiled wierdly. Why? Beats me. He's Vinny. It's probably the best excuse I can give you.

"Okay, let's go to class." Sam said.

"Yeah. See you Mad!"

"Bye, Carter. Ignore anyone who says something stupid, okay?"

"Yes, Sir."

He laughed then turned to Sam.

"See you in a bit, babe." He winked, then hugged her.

"Bye, Madison!"

Nick, Mikey and I started walking while Sam and Madison took forever to say goodbye.

"Look at the freak!" Some guy said. I ignored him, though. He doesn't deserve my attention.

"Cutter!" Some other yelled from the other side of the hall. Nick just looked at me, sorry-like. I just shot back a fake smile.

We arrived to class and I took a seat in the back. Mikey next to me, Nick in front of him. The seat next to him was empty.

"Carter Goulding, Please report to the Main Office immidiately." The intercom said.

What now?

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