Chapter 18:

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I love Carter. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. She's everything to me. I could have the worst day and seeing her smile would make the day so much more better. As long as she's happy, I'm happy. If she's upset, I'm upset. If she feels sick, I'll do everything in my power to make her feel better. When she laughs, I laugh. She smiles, I smile.

But, I haven't told her something. I was scared about how'd she react. But by now, it's too late. She's going to get upset. And she might hate me.

I'm leaving for the tour next week, and won't come back for several months.

The day dragged on forever. Subject after subject, I felt more and more sick to my stomach. I had to tell her today.

Lunch time finally came and I sat, as usual, next to Carter.

"Carter, we need to talk." I told her.

She looked up from her book. "Yeah, what's up? Everything okay?"

I stared at her eyes and instantly grew weak. "Um..yeah. Yeah! I'm okay. I just-"

Nick cut me off, walking with the rest. "Hey, Carter! Ready to kick a*s at the Championships tomorrow!?!?"

Carter was the team captain of the Female Basketball Team. She carried her team to the championships. I bet she'll be amazing.

"You know it, Mara!!" She yelled back. They all sat down around us. And my thoughts stayed unspoken.

We all talked for a good 15 minutes until Madison said something.

"Yo, Mikey. Ready for the tour?"


"Well be ready, bro. It's next week."

Carter looked at me. "Next week?"

"Carter, I tried telling-"

"You had enough time to tell me."

"You don't understand! I-"

"When were you planning to tell me!?! When your plane was taking off!?!?"

"Carter, of course not!-"

"Save it."

She got up and walked away. I couldn't let her walk away like that. This was all my fault.

Sarah, Sam, and Sian all got up to go after her. I stood up as well. "I got it. It's my fault." I told them, and I chased her.

I checked the library first. Nope.

Next, I checked her locker. Not here either.

I heard a basketball dribbling in the gym. I walked into the gym and found Carter shooting 3-point shots. She was amazing. I'm usually not a Female-Sports fan, but it fascinated me to see her play. I guess she noticed someone was there, because she stopped.

She turned around to face me. "What are you staring at?"

I walked over to her until we were only a couple inches apart. I had to make this right.

"Look, Carter. I really meant to-"

"Not tell me and leave?"

"No! I meant to tell you sooner, but I was scared on how you'd react."

She lifted an eyebrow. "I don't bite."

"Not anymore..."

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?"

"I was scared you'd miss me too much and-" I got distracted by her eyes. I always had a weakness for hazel eyes. "And what?" She asked.

"I probably haven't told you this either. And I should have told you this over three years ago.-"

"What now? I'm not ready for another shocker." She complained, turning away. This was my last chance.

I grabbed her forearm and pulled her towards me. Now, only centimeters apart, I knew she wouldn't leave.

"Carter, I'm in love with you."

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