Chapter 36:

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I walked to school with Mikey, as usual, when we saw a cop car pull out of the parking lot and drive away.

"What happened?" Mikey asked, concerned. I looked at him and shrugged. I had no idea.

We walked into school. I went to my locker. He went to his. Even though they're right next to each other.

Suddenly, the others showed up. Nick with Sian, Madison with Sam, Sarah with Jason, Vinny with a jar of Nutella o_O

"Hi!!" Nick and Sian said in union. I thought they were cute! #Nian forever! :)

We all chuckled and said hello back. Vinny ate his Nutella and walked with us.

Sarah began talking. "Oh my gosh! Justin Bieber's new video came out yesturday!! Was I the only one who thought it was hilarious when he said 'Believe' at the end?"

Sam got offended. "IT WAS NOT FUNNY!! I think it was rather adorable..." She finished it off with a powty face. Madison playfully rolled his eyes and she playfully punched his shoulder.

We started walking when Addison sped by. She looked upset. She ran into the girls bathroom. I ran after her.

By the time I got there, Sarah, Sam, and Sian were already behind me.

"Addison?" I called out. No response.

Sarah looked under the stalls and I noticed a pair of Vlado's in one. So I knocked. "Addison?"

"Leave me alone!" Found her.

"It's alright. Just Carter, Sarah, Sam, and Sian here."

She sniffled. "Why'd you follow me here?"

"We were worried. You seemed upset." Sian said.

There was a long pause. Then Addison opened the door. "What do you want?"

"Hi!" Sam said. Addison gave her a look.

"What happened? You feeling alright?" I asked.

On que, the bathroom door swung open, revealing Montana and her friends. I should have known.

Montana opened her mouth to say something, but I slapped her, interupting her comment.

"DON'T say anything, thirsty hoe! I'm so done with your bullshit right about now!!"

She tried swinging at me, but I grabbed her arm in time. She laughed.

"I'm not the one that's pregnant. Who's the hoe, now?"

That was it. I was raped!! It wasn't my fault! And it's my business!! No one was supposed to know!! At least not yet...

"Oh, wait! Mikey doesn't know, now does he?" She asked, smirking.

Sarah spoke behind me. "What's she talking about, Carter?!?"

Montana fake gasped. "Wow! Not even your best friends know?"

I felt my face getting red.

"Please tell me she's lying!!" Sian yelled, worried.

Montana said, "Go ahead. Tell them I'm lying. Lie to your best friends!"

I felt tears forming as I let go of her arm. I had forgotten I was holding it.

"She's right."

Sian, Sarah, and Sam gasped. Addison mumbled, "Oh, shit." under her breath.

Montana laughed. "I guess I'll be off to telling your beloved Mikey Fusco that his girlfriend that he's so madly in love with is pregnant. Maybe I'll even say you did it willingly!"

Addison spoke up. "He's not going to believe a skunk bag!"

"You'd be surprised, new bee."

Montana started walking outside with her friends. I whispered, "At least I didn't cheat on him with Jacob, Liam, and Justin."

She stopped. "What?"

"Yeah. You cheated on Mikey with three other guys! Jacob, Liam, and Justin. We wouldn't want him knowing that! It would ruin your chances of getting him back!" Sam said.


Sarah laughed. "Impressive how you hid so many pregnancy scares! Tell me, how'd you do that?"

Montana's face was getting red.

The door opened and Nick, Madison, Vinny, Jason, and Mikey walked in.

"What's going on here?" Jason asked.

Sarah answered. "Thanks, bro. But this is kind of a girls' bathroom...?"

"You've been in here for so long, I was worried." Madison said.

"We're fine." Addison finished off.

There was a long pause. Then Mikey spoke up. "Montana, not surprizing seeing you here. With Carter."

"We were just discussing a few topics. Right, Carter?" Montana asked.

"Sugarcoated? Sure..."

She gave me a glare. I gave her a "sorry not sorry" look.

"Like what?" Mikey asked.

Montana smirked. "Like the baby."

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