a hard new to announce.

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[1 year ago, 4th june 2022.]
Sunny finally awoken, in a hospital bed. he takes a moment to try and remember what happened, and realises that he's in a hospital. he looks around, seeing flowers in his hospital bedroom. Sunny takes a deep breath, shouldn't be supposed to walk yet, he gets up from his bed, a bit disoriented, but he looks toward the door. a shadowy figure, looking like Basil was staring at Sunny, before turning around, and walking through the door. Sunny decides to follow him, so he starts to walk toward the door, and he opens it.
the door is now opened, and Sunny closes it behind him. Stranger, the shadowy figure of Basil, is standing in the middle of the hospital's hallway, staring at Sunny, before walking in the hallway to Sunny's right. he still follows him, and after reaching the end of the hallway, Stranger is standing up in front of a door, still staring at Sunny, before disappearing. Sunny is assuming that this door leads to his best friend's room. he takes a deep breath, the hand on the doorknob.
the door is opened, and there is an awkward silence. Sunny walks in, leaving the door opened, his friends staring at him, surprised to see their injured friend already standing and walking.

-Kel: "Sunny ! shouldn't you be in your room ? you shouldn't be walking like that already... your wounds could reopen."
Kel said, sounding very worried for his best friend. Aubrey and Hero nods in agreement with Kel, but Sunny doesn't care. he clenches his fists, and he takes a deep breath while looking at the ground, before looking straight back to his friends.

-Sunny: "i need to tell you something."
he said, in a serious, but nervous tone. so many thoughts are racing through Sunny's mind, imagining the worse that could happen after he tells everything. his friends look at him, concerned, but they listen to Sunny carefully.

-Hero: "alright... then go ahead, we are listening."
-Sunny: "it's about... it's about Mari."
-Aubrey: "M-Mari ?..."
a long awkward silence takes place for 10 seconds. Sunny feels his body shaking, his mind getting fuzzy, the voices getting louder and louder.
-Kel: "Sunny ? Sunny are you-"
Kel doesn't have time to finish his sentence. he's surprised, like everyone else, to see Sunny suddenly running away from the room.
-Kel: "wait ! Sunny !"
-Aubrey: "Sunny !?"
Hero stay silent, he doesn't understand why Sunny ran away all of a sudden, but Kel also runs out of the room, following Sunny, feeling a huge feeling of concern for his best friend. Aubrey and Hero are standing in worry, next to Basil's bed. Basil is still unconscious, and both of them are also waiting for Basil to finally wake up.
Sunny is rushing to the floor above them, the 7th floor. he reaches for a door, forbidden to go through, that leads to a damaged balcony. Kel is desperately running after Sunny. when he finally caught Sunny standing on the damaged balcony, Kel gets even more worried and concerned. Sunny is very close to the edge.

-Kel: "Sunny, don't stand that close of the edge ! what if you fall ? please, let's get back inside, it's forbidden to go here. we can go back to Hero, Aubrey and Basil, and we can talk about what you had to say !"
Kel speaks anxiously, but he tries to sound calm and convincing, as he slowly approaches Sunny. Sunny just shakes his head and takes a deep breath. after some seconds, Sunny let his body fall forward, closing his eyes, unable to accept Mari's death and to forgive himself, but...


-Kel: "Sunny ! i've got you !"
Sunny opens his eyes once again, and he turns his head to see Kel, looking shocked, scared, concerned. "what, why, how ?" were the only questions going in Sunny's mind. Kel pulls Sunny in a tight hug, keeping him away from the edge.
-Kel: "Sunny... please, don't do that ! i know it's hard, i know you're struggling so much but please... this isn't the solution ! just talk to me, i want to help you... THIS, wont help at all please ! you still have so much more to live and experience... just talk to me..."
Aubrey walks, looking concerned and confused, as she sees Kel hugging Sunny tightly. she missed what just happened, so she walks toward the two boys.
-Aubrey:"what happened ? Sunny, are you alright ?..."
-Kel:"Sunny please, im serious ! we all love you, you're our friend, and i promise that it's not the solution.. please, talk to me, tell me what's wrong, what's troubling you... don't keep it a-"
Sunny interrupts Kel, by a sudden move he wasn't expecting.
-Sunny: "let me go !"
Sunny said, pushing Kel away, causing him to fall on the balcony's ground. Sunny rushes to the edge, but he gets prevented to by Aubrey. she holds Sunny very tightly, her arms wrapped around Sunny's stomach, chest and arms, blocking any movements. she takes Sunny away from the edge, and start speaking in a kind and soothing manner. Kel obviously immediately stands up, and walk toward them both.
-Aubrey: "Sunny... it's gonna be okay. you don't have to do that, please. let's just get back inside, okay ? we can talk about this, we can talk about what you wanted to say, safely in the hospital. please, don't do that... "
Kel nods in agreement, and he also hugs Sunny. unable to say anything, Sunny starts to cry, and both of Kel and Aubrey are reassuring him.
after after a little while, Kel and Aubrey took Sunny back at Basil's room, where Hero was waiting them, along with Basil, but he's still asleep. the truth, Sunny told Aubrey and Kel when they were on the hospital's balcony. Hero looks at his 2 friends and his little brother with concern.
-Hero: "Sunny ! Kel, Aubrey ! you guys are finally back... are you okay Sunny ? you seem a bit down..
-Aubrey:"actually... Sunny has something very important to say, about Mari."
-Hero:"oh... okay, then go ahead Sunny. don't stress yourself out and take your time, don't worry."
Sunny is still a bit stressed. he's scared of Hero's reaction. Kel was in shock, but he immediately hug him and said that he will always be here for him, and that he forgave him. Aubrey, on the other hand, it was harder to take in. she said she felt awfully bad for Sunny and for what he had to go through, but she didn't took well the fact of hiding it the truth over 4 years. she said she needed time to process all of this, but she's still friend with him and Basil.
Sunny takes a deep breath, looking at Hero, and after some seconds, he finally speak up the truth to Hero.


-Sunny:"i'm sorry. i understand if you need time... if you don't forgive or anything..."
-Hero:"that's... that's a lot... but Sunny, listen. i'm glad you finally spoke up the truth. i'm not mad at you or Basil, you two were... just kids. i'm a bit frustrated that you kept this a secret, instead of telling the truth right away, but i understand that you wanted to hide it. we're friends, friends are supposed to be here for each other, right Kel ?
-Kel:"exactly ! friends always stick in together, and they always go through the hardest things together. you, and Basil, are still our friends !"
-Aubrey:"yeah, they're right. even if i need time to process everything, it doesn't mean i don't want to be friends anymore."

the 3 friends hug Sunny tightly. that was a reaction that Sunny never expected. he's feeling happy, and he, for the first time in a while, finally smiles.

-?????: "what's happening there...?"
a voice sounding a bit tired said, as the person is rubbing their eyes. Sunny, along with Aubrey, Kel and Hero looks to their friend next to them, finally awake.
-Kel:"hello Basil ! you're finally awake !"
-Basil:"hi Kel... yes, i am."
a small silence takes place. Basil looks at Sunny, his Something being behind him, and Sunny looks at Basil, his Something also behind him.
-Sunny:"i told them."
Basil looks surprised, but he sees Sunny smiling, and his Something disappearing. he smiles back at Sunny, his something also disappearing. Sunny holds Basil's hand, and everyone is smiling, accepting the truth.

1388 words. gosh, that's a lot for a first chapter lmao 😭

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now