a long talk.

139 4 6

self harm mention
suicide mention
mental illness mention
[18th july 2023, 1:30pm - Faraway town]
Sunny finally arrives at Faraway town, and his friends were waiting for him.
-Kel:"Sunny !"
Kel said, running over his boyfriend, pulling him in a tight hug.
-Sunny:"w-woah ! h-hi Kel..."
-Kel:"ive missed you so much ! how are you doing ?"
-Aubrey:"i think you should let Sunny breathe..."
-Kel:"oopsie ! sorry Sunny !"
Kel said, letting go of Sunny, and stroking his hair. Sunny gives a small smile to everyone.
-Sunny:"it's okay Kel... i'm okay."
-Aubrey:"that's what we like to hear bud !"
she nudges Sunny gently, to not hurt him, and she speaks in a energetic tone
-Basil:"alright guys.. where are we going now ?"
-Hero:"he must drop his stuff at our place ! Sunny's staying until the 21st."
-Aubrey:"then, let's not loose anymore time !"
the friend group starts to walk to Kel and Hero's house, speaking and laughing a lot on the way.
after Sunny dropped his stuff at the brothers' house, they all decide to go back to their hidden spot at the park.
-Aubrey:"hey, wanna go to Othermart and buy some snacks ? i'm starving !"
-Hero:"yes, we can."
they walk pass the park, and go to Othermart first. they enter the shop, and go to the snack's section. everyone starts looking for snacks for everybody, beside Sunny, who just stays beside Kel while he searches with Hero.
-Kel:"nothings envy you Sunny ?"
-Sunny:"mh-mh. nothing."
Sunny said, shaking his head to left and right to say no at the same time.
-Kel:"you never eat... you're sure ?"
-Sunny:"I am, don't worry about me."
-Kel:"okay then..."
Kel isn't totally convinced, but he wont force Sunny for answers, and since he's going to have a serious talk with him this evening, he decides to let it slide for now.

the group found their snacks and went back to their spot, enjoying a nice afternoon all together. Basil took some pictures that he put in his album, they all laughed, smiled... everyone seems so happy, even Sunny, but deep down... they don't know that Sunny is dead inside.
-Basil:"see you tomorrow !"
Basil said, waving at Hero, Kel and Sunny, walking home with Aubrey.
-Kel:"bye guys ! see ya tomorrow !"
-Hero:"see you tomorrow !"
Sunny waved at them, and the 3 boys went back to the house too.

[18th july 2023, 7:23pm]
Sunny is waiting for Kel to come back from his shower. sitting on Kel's bed, Sunny keeps thinking about things.

*door creak*
Kel came back in the room, giving Sunny a serious stare...


*door closing*
Kel walks toward his desk and puts his clean clothes for tomorrow on it, and he sighs, looking at Sunny seriously, but he's also worried.
-Kel:"Sunny, i think we need to talk."
-Sunny:"to talk ? about what ?"
Sunny is a bit confused, and he's kind of worried too. Kel's serious look and tone doesn't reassure him at all. Kel walks toward the bed and sits next to Sunny.
-Kel:"Sunny... are you okay ?"
-Sunny:"huh ? yes, i am."
Sunny now knows exactly what the serious talk is going to be about, and he talks with an innocent tone.
-Kel:"no Sunny, seriously... are you okay ? is something wrong ? you can talk to me."
-Sunny:"n-nothing is wrong Kel.. im doing great, i promise !"
Kel is obviously not falling for that answer, he takes a deep breath, keeping his cool.
-Kel:"that's why you've been self harming even more these last few days ?"
as Kel said that, he took Sunny's right arm, ready to roll his sleeve up. Sunny doesn't want Kel to know his thoughts. he doesn't want Kel to know how much he has been suffering in silence. Sunny doesn't want to be a burden to him.
-Sunny:"what are you talking about...? i've been sober since 7 months !"
-Kel:"and i've been dating you for a year. i know how you act when you try to hide your self harm scars, i know how you act when you have something on your mind, you can't lie to me anymore."
Kel rolled up Sunny's sleeve, revealing bunch of old and new scars. Kel is willing for Sunny to open up, and to take away all of the weight he's carrying on his shoulders. Kel keeps being serious toward Sunny, showing him his determination to help him.
-Kel:"these scars doesn't appear by themselves. Sunny, please, there's no judgement between us. we're a couple, we trust each other. tell me whats wrong, tell me why you felt like hurting yourself ?"
Sunny is uncomfortable. he doesn't want to speak up, and he knows it's useless to continue to say "i'm fine" since his scars has been revealed. he sighs, and he's a bit more nervous.
-Sunny:"i...im fine now !.. there was just an evening where i was lost in my thoughts and... y'know... it was almost a week ago, i promise im doing better now !"
-Kel:"no. im not falling for these dumb excuses. these are scars that aren't older than 4 days ! listen, you've been colder, distant, more secretive... you think i don't know what it means ?"
Sunny stays silent. he knows it's now useless to lie, and that he has to tell why he had been hurting himself. he feels so guilty that Kel had to discover this in that way.
-Kel:"why ? please tell me Sunny... i can't help you if you don't tell me."
-Sunny:"to... to let the pain out..."
-Kel:"what happened ? what made you hurt yourself ? you know that i'm always here when you need to talk."
-Sunny:"p-personal stuffs... please, let's not talk about this."
Kel starts to get annoyed by Sunny avoiding the talk, avoiding to talk about his problems.
-Kel:"you will not leave this room until you talked to me about your problems, Sunny. am i clear ?"
-Sunny:"i-i... yes... you're clear..."
-Kel:"good. now, please, tell me what's on your mind ? why are you suffering so much ?"
Sunny is very hesitant, and he decides to keep lying about his problems, not knowing if he made the right choice...
-Sunny:"it's just that lately... i've been kind of stressed and... hum.."
Kel takes Sunny's chin in his hand, and he looks at Sunny right in the eyes. Sunny knows that he has to tell the truth, but if he does, it's going to be way more painful for Kel afterwards.
-Kel:"you're lucky that i can control my patience. now, you're gonna tell me the WHOLE TRUTH."
-Sunny:"okay... okay... i will tell you the truth..."
Sunny sighs, and he gets ready to tell "everything" to Kel.
it's going to be a long talk....

will Sunny say absolutely EVERYTHING to Kel in chapter 9 ?

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