the true ending. (1/2)

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Basil, on his bed, thought of Aubrey's words at the graveyard. he looked at his scarred arms, and tried hard to not cry, but failed so badly. he thought of when Mari was still there, when they were kids, and had nothing to worry about. he thought of when Kel brought Sunny back outside, and helped him when Aubrey was messing around. Kel, the reason the group got back together. he thought of when he did some gardening with Sunny, end taught him a lot of things about flowers. how much he misses those times. Polly walked to Basil's door, and knocked.

-Polly:"Basil ! i've made some dinner... you want to eat ?"
there was an awkward silence between them. Polly waiting behind the door, hoping for Basil to come out and eat dinner with her after months. Basil heard his stomach growling, and sighed.
-Basil:"i'm coming."
Polly smiled, really happy for him to finally eat something, and get out of his room. she also hope to have a talk with him, to help him getting better.
-Polly:"that's great ! i'm proud of you. i'll wait you in the living room, okay ?"
Polly went back in the living room, and Basil joined her some minutes after. big hoodie, shorts, and long white socks. she was definitely worried for him, but Basil sat down and he took a bit of food. Polly tried to speak with him,  but Basil barely explained things. he wasn't in the mood. he didn't told her about his scars, he didn't wanted to worry her even more. after dinner, he went back in his room, and he was in a very bad mood, but wasn't motivated to even hurt himself. he just lie on his bed, took a book to try and distract himself.


Hero, tries to study and focus, but the thought of Kel can't go away. he misses when Kel was trying to annoy him while he studies. it's too calm now. he puts his pen back in his pencil case, and buries his face in his arms, starting to cry. his voice is echoing in his head, and he can't stop the flashbacks.
life is so unfair sometimes. is what Hero thought. life took everyone he loved so much from him. his girlfriend, his little brother, his best friends... everything.
-Hero's mother:"Hero ! dinner's ready !"
-Hero:"coming." he said, with a cold tone. he wipes his tears away, and he takes a deep breath, trying to seem fine in front of his parents. he stood up from his chair, and walked downstairs. Hero hasn't got the time to go to the graveyard this evening, so he decided, after dinner, he'll go buy flowers at FIX IT and go to the graveyard.
Hero ate dinner with his parents, and didn't spoke so much. he takes his jacket, his wallet, and puts on his shoes.
-Hero:"i'm going to the graveyard !" he said to his parents, before leaving the house, going to FIX IT first. he bought some lily of the valley, white tulips, and some roses. arrived to the graveyard, he walked to the graves, and put the lily of the valley on Mari's grave, white tulips on Sunny's, and roses on Kel's. he stood there, crying.
-Aubrey:"hey Hero, you good ?" she said, looking at Hero, who's crying. she puts her hand on his shoulder, in mark of support.
-Hero:"Aubrey ?..." he wiped his tears away, and sighed. "i could be better, what about you ?"
-Aubrey:"same. i still can't accept what happened to them. i don't understand why they left..."
-Hero:"well... Sunny had planned everything on his birthday, because i assume, even though he was happy with us, and Kel, even though he was helped, it wasn't enough, and he couldn't handle anything anymore at all... Kel... couldn't handle Sunny's death, and he decided to end it all to join him. that's the sad truth. i tried to help him but, it was useless..." and he sighed again.
-Aubrey:"i don't think Kel did it for only Sunny's death."
-Hero:"what ? what do you mean ?" Hero was surprised by her words.
-Aubrey:"Kel always took care of Sunny... his crisis, his illnesses... he was always with him and, i never saw him taking care of himself anymore. and i knew something was wrong with him. he wasn't totally okay, but he managed to fake it. so maybe he end it all because he wanted to join Sunny, but also cause he wanted to, cause he couldn't take it anymore too."
-Hero:"you really think so ?"
-Aubrey:"i do, unfortunately"
-Hero:"i should've talked to him more, he could still be alive right now..." Hero murmured. on these words, Aubrey hugs Hero for a second, before pulling away.
-Aubrey:"i gotta go, im sorry. i hope i see you soon."
-Hero:"oh, well, have a good night, see you."
sorry if it didn't make any sense...
from the 20th or 21th chapters, it will be a bonus part !

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