20th JULY

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disturbing scene
Kel kneels in front of Sunny, and he takes his arm, where blood wont stop dripping. he wipes the blood with compresses, and he then puts some disinfect on another compress, pressing slightly on each cuts. after cleaning Sunny's wound, he puts the bandage around his arm.
-Kel:"are you feeling better ? do you want to talk about it ?"
-Sunny:"i'm fine, thanks... and no.. i don't want to talk about it..."
-Kel:"as you wish, Sunshine."
he gives Sunny a quick lip kiss, and he gives him a reassuring smile.
-Kel:"let's go to bed now... you must be tired."
Sunny nods, and Kel removed the stained blanket, putting it in a corner of the room. he then takes a clean blanket in a drawer from his desk, and he puts it on the bed. Kel lays down on the bed, and he makes sign for Sunny to come and lay down next to him, that's what Sunny does. Kel wraps his arm around Sunny, and so does he, as they feel comfortable and safe together.
-Kel:"see you tomorrow, Sunshine ! sleep well."
-Sunny:"see you tomorrow... goodnight."
Kel kisses Sunny softly on his lips, and the two boys drift off to sleep.


[20th july 2023, 10:20am]
-Hero:"go get Sunny downstairs !"
-Kel:"alright !"
Kel goes upstairs, in his room. he's so happy and excited to celebrate Sunny's birthday.
-Kel:"come on Sunny ! let's go downstairs."
Sunny nods. Kel brings Sunny downstairs, and he covers his eyes when they arrive in downstairs. Kel is leading Sunny in the living room, his hands still on his boyfriend's eyes.
-Kel:"open your eyes, Sunshine !"
Sunny opens his eyes...
-everyone:"happy birthday Sunny !!"
Sunny can't believe what he's seeing. he just stare at his friends, and he makes a small smile. his friends rush to him, and they make a tight friend group hug.
-Basil:"we brought you a very special gift, we hope you will love it !"
-Aubrey:"yeah ! i'm sure you'll love it."
-Omori:"your friends care so much about you, and what are you gonna do ? abandon them. you say you care, but you don't."


-Kel:"we love you, Sunshine"
-Basil:"you're now 18 years old like all of us !"
-Aubrey:"yeah ! now, how about we enjoy some time outside before we give you your gifts ?"
-Hero:"that's a great idea, Aubrey."
-Sunny:"hum... i'll be right back, i need to do something in the bathroom..."
-Basil:"oh, alright. take your time !"
Sunny goes back upstairs, in the bathroom. he locks himself in, and he walks toward the mirror.
the mirror isn't reflecting Sunny and the bathroom, it's reflecting Omori and WHITE SPACE.

-Omori:"so, this is the end for you ?"
-Sunny:"yes, it is."
Omori was about to speak again, but gets interrupted by Sunny.
-Sunny:"take care of them."
-Omori:"what ?"
-Sunny:"the headspace friends, take care of them, please."
-Omori:"i will, there's no need to worry. after all, you'll belong to us."
Omori takes his shiny knife, and he points it to his stomach, and Sunny does the same
-Omori:"do it, like you were in WHITE SPACE. stab yourself."
Sunny is shaking, the knife pointing his stomach. he takes a deep breath, and he follows Omori's instruction. Sunny readies his blade, and suddenly stabs himself very violently in the stomach. a lot of blood is starting to drip from the knife and Sunny's stomach. his vision is getting darker, his ears are ringing. he falls on the ground, making a heavy noise. the knife is stuck in Sunny's stomach, and blood is scattered on the ground. Sunny's breath is now inexistant, and so his heartbeats are.

-Omori:"oyasumi, Sunny."

Kel, Aubrey, Basil and Hero hears the heavy noise coming from upstairs.
-Aubrey:"was that Sunny !?"
Kel rushes upstairs, and he tries to open the bathroom door, but it's locked from the inside. Aubrey, Basil and Hero obviously followed him. Kel is banging strongly against the door
-Kel:"Sunny !? Sunny are you okay in there !? answer me ! open the door, please !"
-Basil:"why wont he open..."
-Hero:"Sunny ? Sunny can you hear us !?"
-Aubrey:"hey Sunny ! answer us please ! we're worried ! did you fall or something ?!"
Kel is banging harder on the door, he's worried sick. Aubrey pushes Kel away, and she gets a hair clip from her hair, and she tries to open the door.
-Aubrey:"damn it... please open !"
the door has been unlocked by Aubrey. she violently open the door...

-Aubrey:"Sunny... Sunny !?"
she freezes to the sight of her friend's bloody dead body. everyone is shocked, horrified. Basil is crying, Hero is completely shocked but he tries to comfort Basil.
Kel, him, walks toward his boyfriend's dead body. he can't believe what he's seeing. he's hoping he's just having a nightmare and that he will wake up soon. he kneels down next to Sunny, takes his hand and checks his pulse, but... Sunny's pulse is inexistant. blood is scattered all over on the floor, his shirt is covered in blood, his mouth has blood dripping from it, and his hands are also covered in blood. what a bloody mess.
-Kel:"no... Sunny... you.. you can't do this to me...! please wake up !"
Kel takes his boyfriend's dead body in his arms, hugging it tightly. Aubrey, her, she can't watch this. she fell on her knees, hiding her face with her right hand, and her left hand covering her mouth. she feels like throwing up, upon seeing Sunny's blood scattered all over. Basil, he's shocked and he's crying. he can't believe that his best friend just left. Hero, he doesn't know what to do. he's so shocked, horrified. he tries to comfort everyone but, it's useless. he walks toward his little brother, he kneels next to him, and put his hand on Kel's shoulder, also crying.
-Hero:"Kel... he wont wake up... it's over.. h-he's gone..."
-Kel:"Sunny... i should've been here for you even more... it wouldn't had happened... i should've known... i should've known you were having a very tough time... i'm sorry...!"
Kel is crying uncontrollably, he can't accept that Sunny also left. he feels so guilty, he thinks he wasn't enough for him. he feels like he failed him.
Sunny is finally gone.

20th July - OMORI.Where stories live. Discover now